That makes sense. First day with it, still learning. I don’t have the foot controller yet, but I do plan on getting one, and using a ‘mute’ setting as a preset should work too.
What are your settings for a ‘bow’ sound?
Just bought a HOG. I’m a bass player using it mainly to emulate a rhythm guitar. Any other bassists have good settings?
I found the same problem while in bybass, the dry signal goes through both the ‘output’ and the ‘direct output’. I run the direct out to my bass amp, and the output to a guitar amp. So this creates a real problem, when all of a sudden I have bass notes going through my guitar amp. A volume pedal works, it’s just another thing to switch though, kind of a pain. There are several people who make mute switches. You just got to search through google. There’s also builders who make ‘fixed expression’ pedals, just a momentary switch to toggle toe up/toe down (just like whats build into the HOG)