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  • vincentgallo

    missed the EH synth sadly. thanks for the link though

    in reply to: WANTED: ELectro Harmonix Dual Analog Delay (rack-mount) #116413

    I have been using Electro Harmonix products for a very long time. Many I own were bought new when the models were first released to the marketplace. Sometime in the early 1980’s I began to want one of everything ever made by Electro Harmonix. Electro Harmonix became part of my collecting hobby along with some other audio, pro audio and other musical instrument products. I would try to use all the various EH boxes however I bought some I had no real use for or ones that were only variations of similar ones I already owned. I even collected several of the same EH product or traded up at great sacrifice to get cleaner versions of what I owned. Collecting is fun.

    For most of my life money has been tight. Even when I started appearing in leading roles in movies money was tight as the films I was in were not the kind that paid well. Even Buffalo 66 did not change my financial position since the pay was low and all the profits went to Lions Gate Films. Sometime in the 2000’s some of my properties, artworks and automobiles drastically increased in value and I was finally able to become comfortable financially.

    Collecting is about sacrifice–giving up something to get something else you find more special. Since I had little capital I sacrificed food, heat, new clothes, free time, holidays, days off, time with chicks, etc. etc. to have tiny bits of extra money in case I found rare items within my price range. The worst feeling was having to sell off things I loved to pay for others I loved a little bit more.

    Now that I have more money things have changed a bit for me personally and things have certainly changed in the way people treat me as a collector. Most likely EH Man is not a rich person, however I do not think he would have enjoyed living in New York City during the period and under the conditions I did for so many years. We have both collected Electro Harmonix items for many years and that is our connection.

    I reached out to EH Man because I was missing an EH Solid State Reverb unit, an EH Dual Analog Delay, an EH Guitar Synthesizer, an EH model guitar and a 4×10″ Freedom Amplifier from my collection. I really wanted to finish off my collection so I offered EH Man super high prices for his units. Instead of selling only those particular units, EH Man offered to sell his entire collection at a high retail price.

    I agreed to his offer for several reasons. EH Man’s collection together with mine would become a complete collection of pretty much everything the company made. I could do a very extensive book and display that would be fun for everyone interested in Electro Harmonix products and history. I could also document and preserve the amazing and unique life’s work of the great Mike Matthews. By purchasing EH Man’s entire collection I could offer him a chance to move on and also give him enough money to change some real conditions in his life or to do something else with the money he otherwise might not be able to do or would not do. Selfishly I could also move on from searching and enjoy the fun of completing a collection.

    I thought EH Man and I had a deal worked out already, however there is clearly still a bidding war, which EH Man wishes me to engage in. There may also be some folks who will be very disappointed and some who will feel I had an unfair advantage.

    I do not wish to engage in any bidding wars. I do not wish to receive negative vibes from those who feel they are in competition with me. I do not wish to overwhelm the marketplace with my supposed excessive cash. Instead I will gracefully drop out of the offer process and no longer move to buy EH Man’s collection. I will leave all of you the chance to try to convince EH Man to sell you what you think you need. I will instead hope to one day find an EH Solid State Reverb unit, an EH Dual Analog Delay, an EH Guitar Synthesizer, an EH model guitar and a 4×10″ Freedom Amplifier somewhere else. always paying top dollar for Electro Harmonix items

    in reply to: WANTED: ELectro Harmonix Dual Analog Delay (rack-mount) #116000



    I want these three items badly. Please consider

    in reply to: Mike Matthews Amplifiers #114526

    there is another set of EH cases on ebay now
    I am looking for knobs for freedom amps (silver colored) if any can help
    also want a 4×10 EH amp that i would pay big for

    in reply to: Mike Matthews Amplifiers #113348

    Those were all mine. I gave those to my friend Andre and i guess he sold them. Can i buy back the empty graphic eg? a member here needs it and i did not know Andre sold the set and that the empty eq was part of what i gave him. The Foxx tone machine empty is worth a good bit empty as that color green is highly desirable and easy swapped

    in reply to: Mike Matthews Amplifiers #113310

    I have not taken any yet but i will soon. I went on US tour with my band rriiccee last month and made a special case that held only 10 modules (effects) i am sure someone photographed it, in spite of my request for no photos. the faceplates are all white.

    in reply to: Mike Matthews Amplifiers #113308

    My most radical EH effect heavy recordings are with my industrial noise band Bohack. the LP “IT TOOK SEVRAL WIVES”. It is an extremely raw recording and musically extreme as well, very heavy on the EH delays and loops

    in reply to: Mike Matthews Amplifiers #113307

    They mention in the film i was in the band with Jean. I do not appear in documentaries though and rejected Tamara’s invitation to appear. I did some music around 1980 that was used in another Basquiat film called Downtown 81. Very EH heavy.

    in reply to: Mike Matthews Amplifiers #113303

    Hi Fender&EHX4ever;,

    GREAT SITE btw. I have been using EH gear since my first band days in the 70’s. In the band GRAY (with bandmate artist Jean Michele Basquiat) my entire sound was basically five out of tune strings left on a cheap Japanese guitar running through EH effects including a digital delay or what was sometimes called a 2 second delay (mine has crapped out many times and I would love to find another if anyone is selling ).

    Photos of my live shows are rare and not very detailed. However there is something I will post here someday soon, which may be of interest to this cool group.

    I own pretty much everything EH made and with them I reverse engineered every effect to create a modular guitar effect system of just EH effects. The basic guts of each EH effect have been mounted to an aluminum chassis and then to a faceplate in a manner similar to MOOG and Buchla modulars. I made multi panels, input panels, mixer panels, and out panels of my own designs as well as one panel that is a master supply with various voltage taps. Each effect has a mechanical relay engage and disengage bypass. I used super high quality pots and jacks and added op amps to secure voltages were that would make an improvement. The panels are all one of two sizes and can slide in the custom cabinet rack in any order. It is a 1/4″ patching system. I still need to find one more Solid State Reverb and Random Tone Generator to add to the system as I have several other effects which I use in multiples and would like to do the same with these. I would also love to find backups of my Echo 600 and Digital Delays units as they both got very hammered over the years and are becoming quite difficult to repair. I hope if anyone here is ever willing to sell any of those 4 units that they please let me know.

    My interest in the Mike Matthews amps is related to buying one directly from Mike and the memory of that. I lost that original amp and would love to replace it. Mine had X 4-10″ speakers, though I would purchase an X 2 -10″ version. I would love to find any Mike Matthews amp or speaker cabinet stuff. I would not claim they are great sounding, and boy do they need constant technical attention to keep them quiet, but I have a special connection with them. I hope someone here can help.

    Did you guys know EH had their own store next to Manny’s on 48th Street in NYC around 1981? It was a very, very narrow shop (the thinnest I have ever seen). That’s were I purchased my Digital Delay and eventually a 16 second Delay. They were not cheap then and I remember the amount of my yearly income it required to get those was pretty high.

    in reply to: Mike Matthews Amplifiers #113297

    Thanks for the welcome.

    in reply to: Mike Matthews Amplifiers #113294

    Yes I am, please don’t hold it against me !!! kind regards, Vincent Gallo (longtime EH user and lover)

    in reply to: Looking for orginal Graphic Fuzz enclosure #113290

    i have an original box only for sale

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