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  • vanbeldt

    The 8 Step Program is a great concept.

    I think the concept could be extended. For any pedal that has a MIDI input, the designers should make every parameter editable via a MIDI command. That way your sequencer could be like an endless supply of 8-Step Programs, and you wouldn’t need to bother with CV.

    While we’re waiting for that, you can always get a MIDI to CV interface. I have the Doepfer Dark Link. It controls multiple expression parameters. See my demo here

    If you want to keep it simple and elegant, keep it on the floor, if you don’t already have MIDI – or a whole other bunch of reasons including that it’s cool, go with the 8 Step Program.

    in reply to: “8 Step Program ” compatible devices list #117749

    Also from EHX, Ravish Sitar. Depending on the mode, you could have crazy sequenced pitch bending, or modulation of the of the volume of the sympathetic strings, which would possibly not be so crazy, it could be a hypnotic rhythmic tremolo effect.

    I actually own a Ravish and I love it transcendentally.

    I don’t own any pedals by Lastgasp audio laborotories, but I find them fascinating, and many of them feature CV inputs. Besides the Toxic Plant mentioned above, there’s

    Sick Pitch King
    Super Oscillo Fuzz
    Cyber Psychic

    With midi sync, this gadget and others like it has the potential to bridge the gap between techno musicians and guitarists. Saving up now!

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