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  • in reply to: Just purchased a Memory Toy…. #119103

    If it’s not something you can live with, take it back; get the DMM if you can so you have the “level” knob. Is a little volume unruliness worth the extra $200? That’s your call lol. OH – plus the DMM doesn’t have as long of a delay (at least my vintage one doesn’t).

    in reply to: Just purchased a Memory Toy…. #119102

    This is a common annoyance – The memory Toy does this too. That’s one of the nice things about his big brother (father?) The deluxe memory man; you can actually control the output gain.

    Basically, when the blend knob is at 12 o’clock, it should be unity (same volume level as when disengaged) if you blend more dry, the dry signal will get louder as the the delays get quieter. If you blend the other way, just the opposite. Either way, by the time you’re fully wet OR fully dry, you’re louder than unity. It’s pretty annoying that there really is no unity level for a good mix, IMO, but I guess that’s the price you pay for a smaller, less feature, fewer knob pedal. But by God if it isn’t one of the best sounding delays otherwise… Well, at least I thought so until I just got my stinking mitts on a vintage DMM about 30 minutes ago :)

    in reply to: EHX Memory toy question #119100

    Just a quick update; the modulation takes some of the processing power so that’s what makes the delay change when you turn it on; you’ll notice when you turn it on the delay time decreases (or increases in frequesncy – gets “higher”). Even the old DMMs do this too; crank the chorus and you lose a little delay time.

    Hope this helps.

    in reply to: Just purchased a Memory Toy…. #119099
    Is it normal for the volume to decrease so drastically when moving the blend knob away from 0%? I’d say after about 5% its less than half of the original volume, even the fully wet signal isn’t nearly as loud as the dry signal.

    I’m not sure what you mean by “away from 0%”

    Are you referring to 12 o’clock as 0%?

    And when you say “even the fully wet signal isn’t as loud as the dry,” are you saying that when the blend knob is fully clockwise – fully wet – you STILL hear the dry signal louder?

    lol I want to help you but your post is very ambiguous :)

    in reply to: Memory Toy Volume Boost Problem #119095

    Yea I suppose it’s a lost cause trying to make everything perfect and unity in the analog world. It kind of works nicely as a little boost when I go into a nice Petrucci-like neck pickup solo; just kick in the delay and it also boosts my signal. Perfect. It’s just annoying when I’m playing quietly at night and the boost startles me lol.

    in reply to: Memory Toy Volume Boost Problem #119089

    I can’t seem to find a ‘good’ unity setting. Yes; with the blend knob at 12 o’clock the dry signal at unity BUT the repeats are very loud (as loud if not LOUDER than dry signal). All the way counter-clockwise basically turns the pedal into a boost. These observations hold true no matter what position the mod switch is in.

    I don’t really mind, I guess; but I probably wouldn’t have bought it if I had known. It was a really tough choice between it and the MXR Carbon Copy. Who knows; the CC may have done the same thing lol.

    It’s not really a pedalboard killer, just a minor annoyance; especially since you can’t fix it lol.

    EDIT: I have noticed that the pedal becomes obnoxiously loud when on if there’s a fuzz or distortion in front of it that’s on. For example, the Big Muff Pi makes the Memory Toy sound like shit; the Wampler Pinnacle Deluxe – not bad (still a little louder, but very nice overall).

    … you really have to use the EHX power supply imho. i tried a one spot and it really didn’t sound the same.

    with the original power supply from EHX i got more and louder repeats, and a overall clearer sound.

    so now i am quite glad with it

    Are you serious? Man I hater reading things like this – cause now, unless I drop the dough and actually try it out, I’ll never know. How does their power compare to battery power? I know they like to recommend batteries…

    I tried both the Memory Toy and Memory Boy in Digital Village last weekend. The Boy had more modulation options all of which were quirky and essentially unusable except for making extreme noises. I am a musician and require something that is musical in nature. The Toy’s modulation was also extreme to the point of being unusable.

    Why would you in a real live situation want a pitch shift up and down a semitone? – OK for experimenting with silly noises at home – but I grew out of that when I was 20 odd, now I play classic rock and blues, and neither of these pedals modulation would be of use in the real world.

    The delay however was something else. Totally musical and warm. I have played with digital delays for the last 25 years and can’t believe what I was missing out on. Ultimately my decision was made based on the delay section of both. The Memory Toy had a much longer delay time than the Memory Boy and was cheaper. It was as though costs had been cut on the delay section of the memory boy to make way for all the modulation options, the extra controls, inputs and the inclusive power supply.

    So I bought the Toy. It was a far superior pedal for the money. I later discovered that there is a trim pot inside that can be adjusted to mellow out the modulation amount. Now it is so subtle it is barely noticeable – just enough to sound like the natural flutter of a tape echo.


    Oh yea, dude; you gotta pop the back off and adjust the mod trim pot; once you do you will LOVE the mod and fall in love with your memory toy all over again. Cause yea; out of the box the mod is unusable. This is what has prevented me from getting most of their other pedals. I think the only other one I would enjoy is the neo clone (or small clone if I want to deal with the power source).

    So yea, to answer the OP’s question – I think you may just be the only one disappointed in your memory toy :)

    in reply to: Flange before Delay the norm? #119063

    just (1) a preference (2) ignorance, or (3) experimentation, I’m sure.

    I’m with you; it belongs AFTER the delay. so the whole sound is flanged, assuming you don’t have a more dominant effect AFTER the flanger, like a step filter or something.

    in reply to: Soul Preacher: louder when plugged in than battery? #119062

    Seriously? No one yet?


    in reply to: EHX Memory toy question #119060

    Yea it’s normal. Mine does the same. It seems that flicking the switch seems to reset the whole system or something.

    EDIT: I just leave the MOD on all the time; once you adjust the trim pot and make it tolerable, it’s quite nice – just a touch :)

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