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  • in reply to: Memory Toy self oscillates very easily #108642

    Liberty Belle- I think there is an issue with the MB too. I posted a thread about how frustrated i am with the pedal. I’ve called Ehx and left a message in customer service and have not heard back from anyone :(

    in reply to: Beyond frustrated (memory boy) #108552

    I saw flick posted in a bunch of threads, I’m hoping by bumping this to the top he will see it.

    in reply to: Beyond frustrated (memory boy) #108536

    Could staff reply to this? Do i have to ship my pedal in again or just live with it?

    in reply to: Beyond frustrated (memory boy) #108455
    I’m not EHX staff but this….

    “Why should i have to pay shipping for a defective pedal?”

    ….could have been solved by just returning it to the shop you bought it from and getting a refund if you felt the pedal was faulty or defective…. Problem solved. I live in the UK so returning something to EHX wouldn’t even be an option really. We get questions like this on here all the time “I bought this pedal yesterday and it’s not working now” … and my answer is always the same which it take it back to where you bought it and get a refund/replacement. Then you can let the shop deal with the returning/getting a refund from EHX issue.

    It still baffles me why people don’t do this.

    There’s a couple reasons electro. First, guitar center is about a 30 min drive away from my house, so i’d rather not spend the money on gas. Second, i know for a fact that i purchased the last memory boy in GC. It would take just as long to have them order a new one as to send it in to EHX. Third, i had read about the numerous issues and did not want to risk getting another defective pedal, like invader did.

    Invader- that’s exactly how i feel. It’s like we know there are issues so we will make a better pedal! So upset!!!

    in reply to: Beyond frustrated (memory boy) #108433

    I used an online metronome to calculate my delay time. With the patch cable plugged in, i get 600 ms. With out a patch cable, i get 417 ms. :-(

    in reply to: Memory Boy Self Oscilation #108046

    I am using the “replacement for boss or ibanez” adapter that came with it. I tried it with a boss adapter, and it got a much longer delay time but no self oscillation. Is EHX working on a fix for this? Kinda upset it doesn’t work with supplied adapter :(

    Edit- I notice that plugging a patch cable into into the exp. pedal input that i get full delay time. WHY!? So frustrated :-(

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