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  • in reply to: Which version of the vintage Big Muff do I have? #107299

    Thanks for the reply Liberty belle, i kind of agree yeah it has character but look at the condition of it im cleaning the case lightly with lighter fluid on a soft cloth this seems to be removing all the unwanted dna ;-) i hope this aint character removing as well lil joke there peeps :)

    Any way she is looking a little better now.

    So is this then a ramshead board like the ver2 as it looks to me to be a late 77 model with maybe 76 transition parts on her?

    Considering they used whatever parts they could get i guess this should not suprise anyone

    in reply to: Which version of the vintage Big Muff do I have? #107297

    What can you tell me in Picture one, ive noticed the caps on this board on the brown board but not this board i feel i also need to have all the tracks cleaned real well, and test if everything is working.

    But i guess connecting up the battery leads and attaching a nice carbon battery, along with spray lubing all pots, and the switch, may just do the trick, and if so i guess i can clean the gunk of the board along with cleaning the case and isolating the battries in one of those foam battries carrriers you guys all seem to have.

    may need to spray out and get the foot switch moving as well after that and getting a d2 replacement piece of electronics i may be ready to put this old girl back together again and give her a go

    is there anywhere i can get an original case not as bad as mine or is this a totally silly question 34 years on.

    Funny i was looking for a fuzz box and forgot i had this lucky for me i looked before buying one

    I have to thank all you guys for being so nice and helpfull its really a supportive community you have here.

    in reply to: Which version of the vintage Big Muff do I have? #107296

    Yeah its a bit of a mess ive got the battery clip i think from memory one of the wires may be a tad short i think ive also got all three dakka knobs but not sure as ive only got two with me now and im missing some of the electronics at d2 on the board i dont know why only half of the board loaded iam so sorry the photos loaded so big so is this a transition 1976 77 model rams board ver3 ?

    in reply to: Which version of the vintage Big Muff do I have? #107293
    in reply to: Which version of the vintage Big Muff do I have? #107292
    in reply to: Which version of the vintage Big Muff do I have? #107287

    problem is you just cant go into photo bucket and load stuff they want you to join like every other site i wish there was some place you could just dump photos it would be so much easier why can i not load them in here via the preview post button this is what is says to do below iam going to try again and see what happens

    in reply to: Which version of the vintage Big Muff do I have? #107247

    so what do you think the photos are up now?

    in reply to: Which version of the vintage Big Muff do I have? #107245

    here are the photos ive managed to load them here

    in reply to: Which version of the vintage Big Muff do I have? #107243

    still not loading

    in reply to: Which version of the vintage Big Muff do I have? #107240

    trying to load these pics hmmm

    in reply to: Which version of the vintage Big Muff do I have? #107241

    Is there any tutorials on how to fix one of these version 3’s are parts available or all gone now an whats my best option with it keep it or dump it for parts im not sure if this is worth it considering things may have been changed or missing whats everyone think ?

    in reply to: Which version of the vintage Big Muff do I have? #107238

    the other thing i notice is those square white thinks on the board are not on my board sorry to not know what they are? i have the round discs in place of them similar to whats on volume and tone pots of a stratocaster

    in reply to: Which version of the vintage Big Muff do I have? #107237

    thankyou so much for the quick reply, ive taken pics of the board front, and back, along with the casing.
    its more looking like the ver 3 model, it has the red lettering case not rams head electro harmonix made in the usa on it scratched to buggery, im sure alot are like that now.

    its got the dakkaware chicago pointer knobs but both are looking stuffed on the inside.

    i think i have the third one somewhere, and now i take a closer look this is what i see on the board c3 c4 c5 c13 have .1uf aec caps c10 c11 c12 have 470 aec caps d2 has something missing
    c9 has 100v a-18 c8 has i think .01 its hard to read it

    near the 3003 on the board it has a big silver barrel cap that says m235 7515a at c2 1+10 100v

    hope thats enough info on whats on the board, i will go check if digital camera has charged enough so i can load the pics hope this is worth saving, i guess i got it about 12 years ago now.

    thanks guys

    wayne ;-))

    in reply to: Which version of the vintage Big Muff do I have? #107235

    devnulljp its board one not board two

    in reply to: Which version of the vintage Big Muff do I have? #107234

    Hi devnulljp hmmmm yes this board looks like mine but mine is light pastel green in colour also have the dakka ware pointy knobs on my muff

    any pics of the other side of the 3003 board that you posted ?

    ive just taken some pics of the front and rear of my board, it seems Q1,Q2,Q3.Q4 seem to have a part bc239 fitted to the board the four of these seem loose like someone sometime was trying to repair this muff and never finished the job not sure if these are original or replacement parts but i fear the later

    other then this i think it just needs the battery lead re terminated and a new battery foam fitted along with the board getting a good clean and the pots and switches needing some spray lube after that may try and put her back together and see if she works if not then its back to looking into why?

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