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    in reply to: Voice Box #90591

    anybody? eh?

    in reply to: Voice Box #90401

    will do…forgot about that section. thx.

    in reply to: Voice Box #90394

    Tech question for other owners…

    The wet signal occassionally cuts out on me, usually when I’m holding out a note on my voice for a long time, but especially when I tend to jump large intervals. I figured that maybe my technique sucks in that my voice isn’t feeding the pedal enough signal, but here is the weird part: if the wet signal cuts out and I sing louder, it doesn’t usually kick back in, but if I pull my mouth away (think “chocolate rain”) and come back the wet signal comes back too. Having the mic on high gain helps to reduce this problem a bit, but not much.

    So, it is my technique or the pedal? No offense to EHX, but I hope its the pedal, since my technique would be harder to fix.

    in reply to: Voice Box #90262

    thanks for the video. It helped me out a lot in identifying that I belief something is wrong with my gender bender knob…need to get it fixed, along with my review of that aspect of the pedal.

    in reply to: Voice Box #89637

    yep, they are! Mine is in transit.

    in reply to: Voice Box #89100

    A retailer, who supposedly got word from EHX, said they are shipping this week.

    in reply to: any mod or tricks to reducing Nano Clone noise? #88918

    I was actually just a/b’ing it with another chorus. The Clone was the only pedal in the chain at the time. The other was an old ibanez soundtank chorus that added almost no noise, which surprised the hell out of me. The Clone in comparison seemed immense.

    In practice, the pedal is in a lengthy chain and the added noise isn’t too big a deal, but if I can make it better, I’m for it.

    in reply to: Voice Box #88916

    It’s been a couple days, so I presume it is ok to beg for an update on the pedal again, so here goes:

    are we there yet?
    are we there yet?
    are we there yet?
    are we there yet?
    are we there yet?


    in reply to: Voice Box #88486

    Rick, Thanks…that is reassuring. So, when DO we get our hands on it? I hope you guys were able to record some of those excellent singers using it and could post those as demos???please?

    Ned, if it works as the Helicon Harmony and Digitech Vocalist, you plug your guitar and mic both into the pedal. The pedal keys off your guitar notes to generate a harmony and but it doesn’t send any of the harmony output until you are singing, so it activates only when you are singing. This works much like a vocoder, except with a vocoder you can sing tonelessly, but with a harmony feature, you need to be able to sing on key as well.

    in reply to: Voice Box #88177

    Even though I need to hear it, I will probably end up buying it anyway. I listened to samples and watched video of the TC Helicon Harmony and the Digitech Vocalist pedals. I thought they’d be perfect, but when I tried them, they sucked. They had some cool features, but in application, none of the harmonies sounded like authentic voices and what did come out was poorly tracked. Only the doubler and low preset on the Helicon were worth a damn. On chord changes, the Helicon would go back and forth between notes trying to pick the ‘right’ harmony, making everything sound a mess.

    The Voice Box may end up having the same problem since it keys off the guitar, but the Voice Box is priced at a point where I don’t care if it will suck as much. If I can just get one or two quirky features out of it, I’ll be happy. On that point, the gender bender knob might be able to cop some of the boss vt-1 sounds, and the vocoder will replace my long missed jp8080. However, I don’t see a stereo out or a feature to double the live vocal anywhere on it, so I wouldn’t be able to use the pedal as often as I might like without those two features.

    in reply to: Voice Box #88132

    No downer…I’ve come to expect this sort of thing with announcements for amps and pedals. It makes preorders a pain. I guess those other pedals were announced long before the Voice Box, but nonetheless I wish retailers would list the right date or EH could confirm and/or correct them.

    in reply to: Voice Box #87973

    I’m hoping it is out before Christmas, like a few retailers online have listed. I asked for it, since the other stuff I want is wait-listed, and it would be nice to have something to play with over my holiday.

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