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  • thebigcheese

    What’s the draw for the Worm? The Voodoo PP+ only does 60mA out the first couple jacks, but I’m already using a Nova Delay on one of the higher current 12v outs.

    I’d say not fuzz, but a warm OD dialed in to be right on the verge of break up would be great.

    And yeah, reverb would do you a whole world of good.

    Probably getting the Cathedral soon. I think it has more goodness available than the TC stuff I was looking at, as much as I like my Nova Delay. I experimented a bit with the dirty channel on my amp (an Orange Thunder 30), but not so much luck with that. Partially it’s just that it’s kind of a gritty amp when driven, but also it’s hard to dial in the right amount so that it doesn’t ruin the slow attack but also doesn’t get too crunchy when the sound gets louder after it builds up a bit (maybe a compressor would control that some). Also a problem in that I will have to change gain settings between the verse and chorus. Trying to limit the number of changes I have to make at every switch…

    I was thinking about adding The Worm to my board, since I could also use something of a similar nature, so I’m wondering if having that in a manual sweep might help with adding some overtones. Trying to get the most I can out of a single pedal so I don’t have to get a bunch of different ones for phase, chorus, etc (though The Worm doesn’t have chorus, sadly).

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