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  • in reply to: RING THING REVIEW #110527
    I did re-save the patch with the toe down. I’m not sure why it matters? I thought the RingThing is supposed to save expression pedal settings. When I hit the Preset/Tune switch when the pedal is toe up for an octave down setting the pitch drops. I haven’t checked to see if the tuning is accurate. I did notice at one point during a rehearsal my octave down patch reverted back to the factory preset – octave up. Very weird.

    I’m interested to hear if the Moog fixes some of the instability.

    It only matters in that if you saved the setting while the pedal was, for example, in the middle somewhere, rather than toe up or toe down, it remembers the expression pedal setting in its actual location at the time of saving. Still haven’t gotten to try the EP2 yet, its waiting for me to get home next week.

    in reply to: RING THING REVIEW #110481

    Hi Mark. Okay, I’m not near the pedal right now but here are some things to note.
    Did you save the preset with the pedal in the correct position (ex: tune the pedal with the toe down)? Is the Boss EV5 knob in the proper position? That’s basic troubleshooting, but I was having the same problem when using the EV5. It was temperamental at best and sometimes I would unplug the ring thing, shut down my power, start back up, make sure the ring thing sounded good on its own, plugged back in the exp pedal, and it still might do exactly as you’re describing, with off-pitch notes. That is, until the next day when it would work properly again. I’m convinced that its the EV5, and returned it and bought a Moog EP2 as mentioned before, but I can’t give a review for about 10 days when I return home from a long trip.

    It can really go anywhere in the chain, its versatile like that, but I suggest you put it before the amp, after the distortion. A year ago I might have said to put it first, but I reallly like it after distortions. With your setup I personally would go compressor>distortion>micropog>overdrive>chorus, but that’s just me. Good luck, experiment, have fun. There’s no right way.

    in reply to: EHX Micro Synth Mod!!! #110378

    Go to shotgunn’s page. It’s listed earlier on this thread. Definitely some cool things going on.

    in reply to: Crazy Beats Via a Tube EQ! #110377

    Holy craps!

    in reply to: What are you listening to right now (revisited)? #110349

    Listening to some used CD grabs from yesterday: Beck’s “Mutations”, The Cult’s “Sonic Temple”, and Ciccone Youth’s “Whitey Album.”

    in reply to: Whats your guitar of choice? #110344

    Peavey T-60. And my Univox hi-flier bass.

    in reply to: RING THING REVIEW #110302

    UPDATE. I returned the Boss EV-5. Say what you will about Roland’s fx, but I always trusted their stuff to work. The Ring Thing went crazy on me while I had the expression pedal plugged in. I assumed it was the RT because not much can go wrong with the expression pedal I thought. So the store was kind enough to exchange my Ring Thing for a new one. The problem was gone. Then it reappeared! Then gone again, then reappeared. I had already exchanged the RT so now the Boss is getting the blame. I returned it to Guitar Center and got my scratch back, and now have decided on the Moog EP-2. GC didn’t have it so I just ordered one on the bay. Those things are only $40 by the way, vs $80 for the Boss, and the Moog EP2 is made of metal now rather than the shabby EP1. So I’ll let you all know how it goes down but as of now I withdraw my recommendation for the Boss EV5 with the Ring Thing.

    in reply to: Stereo Memory Man with Hazarai tips, tricks, and clips #110295
    hey, SMMH fans… i keep on hearing that the multi-tap mode with echoes fading in is the BEST THING EVUR, BEYOND SEX, LULZ and so on…

    i just can’t come up with any good sounding settings when it comes to those increasing echoes… any tips? :)

    thanks ;)

    Well I wouldn’t say the multi-tap echo is beyond sex, but since I had fun with each of those things today (Yay Tut! Today is fun!) I will say that running the Delays close together (faster than you can tap) and Blend full wet (wetter than you can wet) gives you an attack delay/slow gear/microsynth fade-in that’s just great.

    in reply to: SMMH repeats problem #110277

    Hey I just tried this out for you (screw you, job). The decay knob should be at noon to get max number of audible repeats, at minimum you will only get 1, past noon they will fade in rather than fade out (best part of this pedal, btw) Maybe that’s the problem.

    in reply to: Stereo Memory Man with Hazarai #110276

    I just tried the SMMH in stereo for the first time. I had it plugged into two Behringer Ultra G DI boxes into my PA and it sounded pretty amazing. I then tried running two lines in parallel. I split one output from my QTron going straight to one DI and the second into the SMMH (in mono) followed by a volume pedal and into the other DI. I’m unsure which way will be my regular way but I’m leaning toward the parallel signal. I really like sneakily fading in loops that were made under cover of darkness. I also put one of those option knobs on the “repeats” of the Haz. It’s like a little expression pedal and is very useful to me.

    in reply to: EH Freeze #110268

    Hellacious amount of want for the Freeze.

    in reply to: Post your Pedalboard #110242

    Cool arty pics, ‘Chops.

    in reply to: stereo memory man w hazari #110186

    XO large (SMMH etc)

    Approx 12 X 14.5 X 4 cm

    in reply to: Some EHX Demos for yous #110153

    Thanks man. Nice run-thru on the Cathedral.

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