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  • in reply to: RING THING REVIEW #112030

    All these questions have been discussed (mostly by me) throughout the thread. Some work, some don’t, and some work in theory but not actually. So if you like the Roland pedal or own it already, try it. It is supoosed to work with the Ring Thing. It didn’t for me. The Moog EP2 is heavier and stays in place better. There was an early model, I guess EP1, that was cheaper and less reputable but I don’t know. But this pedal works with the RT and happens to be a lower price. I will say though that if you’re unsure either way, why spend double on the Roland/Boss to find out?

    All I did was follow the instructions that are here on the site. If an exp pedal doesn’t work with these instructions, in this order, then it doesn’t work, and get something else.

    1. Connect the Ring Thing as described in Basic Amplifier Connection Setup.
    2. Press the BYPASS footswitch so the STATUS LED is on
    3. Press the MODE knob so that ALL LEDs are lit: Pitch-Shift.
    4. Turn the following knobs to 50% or 12 o’clock: WAVE and FINE/DEPTH.
    5. Turn the BLEND and COARSE knobs fully clockwise.
    6. Turn the FILTER/RATE knob fully counter-clockwise, internal modulation will be

    7. If an expression pedal is plugged in set it to the toe down position.

    8. To change the Pitch Shift frequency, turn the FINE and/or COARSE knobs. The
    COARSE knob has a range of +/- 2 octaves set in discrete steps. Use the FINE
    knob to access tunings in between these discrete steps.

    Using an Expression Pedal — Plug an expression pedal into the EXP ” Jack to
    control the Pitch Shift amount. The expression pedal’s pitch shift range is set by the
    COARSE knob. The toe down position will be the current setting of the COARSE knob,
    the toe up position is no pitch shift
    , though you will still hear the pitch shift’s

    in reply to: How to order & power my pedals??? #112010

    What are you powering them with? A onespot? Use two. I had problems with a loopstation linked up with a Sovtek muff, and several others. I basically put all my digitals on one and 9V analogs on another and had no other noise issues.

    in reply to: Craziest Pedal Demo Ever #111996

    I had to watch it twice to see the funny part again! Still didn’t find it.

    in reply to: RING THING REVIEW #111966

    You’re getting closer. There’s an output knob, turn it all the way one way or the other (Sorry, I’m not in front of it right now). You can dive 2 full octaves either way so keep trying.

    in reply to: I’m looking for a fuzz! #110704
    nice clips! :) i know about the ABSynth, but from demos i heard it sounds to me as a no-mids fuzz. And i’m a bit afraid of getting lost in the mix (happened with the Sovtek Big Muff)… otherwise it sounds great and the price is very good ;)

    Axel, PM

    in reply to: I’m looking for a fuzz! #111674

    DarkAxel, Here’s me playing my Fuzzhugger ABSynth, looped with the Hazarai.

    On this clip, my longtime co-guitarist in Karma Canon played drums while I played fuzz bass with the Bass Microsynth. It was an all-improvised first jam and we were sky high so there’s some sloppiness but it was awesome and fun. I also used a Boss FT-2 filter and a Boss DD5 on sample hold. I love when loops slip into asynchronicity and new patterns emerge.

    in reply to: Hazarai Reverse Problems #111460

    Put your DECAY at noon and see if that helps. We had a thread about this on here somewhere but I can’t find it. Regardless, none of us can get more than 3 seconds out of that function. Still cool though.

    in reply to: Switching RING THING Presets While Using Expression Pedal #111459

    Some quick troubleshooting: If the pedal is not all the way toe-down (but in the middle somewhere) and you press the button twice, does it change presets? I mean that if you are in the middle with the exp pedal, stomping once should restore the default setting that you are currently on, and the second stomp should change to the next preset.

    I first had the EV5 as well, it does not work right. If you unplug the EV5, do the presets change normally? I changed to a Moog EP2 and had no further issues.

    in reply to: Q-Tron+ Effects-Loop Question #111439

    I meant to post an answer when this first came up but, you know.

    I have a Boss DD5 (stereo) digi delay before the Q+. I have the main (mono) out of the DD5 into the input of the Q+ like normal, however, I run the second output of the delay into the fx return of the Q+. I ignore the fx send. This way, I’ve been able to run my pre-Q+ chain as normal (2 Fuzzhugger fx pedals and the delay)then turn on the QTron and have unique new sounds. I go from a mono delayed sound to a ping-pong with a stomp on the QTron+.

    That’s a Sim Tut original though. If you want to run your chain that way you’ll have to pay me a royalty ;) .

    in reply to: HELP! RING THING DOESN’T WORK WITH EXP-Pedal #111409

    Use the Moog EP-2, the only one that works all the time. I answered you in the “review” forum as well with more detail.

    in reply to: RING THING REVIEW #111407
    Hi Everybody!

    I got my RT mouths ago,
    but I had to send it back to my seller because I had a problem with the pitch while using the epxression pedal…
    The pitch always got a little down the cross value I choose on the pedal when I plug the expression pedal.
    The same in ring mod mode…
    If I tune with the switch, in the toe position the pitch of the octave mode or ring mod is a little bit lower than it should be… I know I could fix it with the fine knob but it’s not supposed to be this way… :angry:

    When I unplug the exp pedal, it’s well pitched.
    I tried many expression pedals, but it’s always the same…

    So I can’t use the whammy function or any epression pedal possibilitys because, it’s always a little bit lower than it should be!!!
    I must know if it’s normal or if it’s because it is a deffective unit…
    It’s been 3 mouths since I sent it back to the shop, and my unit still be there…

    Did you have the same problem? Specialy “The Ghost of Sim Tut” :rawk:

    (I know, my english is not so good…)
    Thanks for your answers !!!

    As I stated above, I had your same problems with almost all expression pedals I tried. In fact, I used a Roland (Boss) EV-5 and like you, I returned my first Ring Thing because it sounded weird when it was plugged in. The pitching was not right. So I got my new Ring Thing in the exchange but had the same problem with the same expression pedal.

    So instead I returned the Boss/Roland expression pedal and bought the Moog EP-2. No more problems. This has been the only expression pedal that worked well with the RT and continues to work well. The Moog is also cheaper than all other options.

    If you use a Moog EP2 I can almost promise you will not have any more of the issues you’re experiencing. Good luck!

    Agreed, mine is definitely not that noisy.

    To play devil’s advocate, it doesn’t really sound bad, but I hear you, it should work correctly.

    in reply to: Ring Thing Clips #111215

    Thanks for these. I love the RT. There will be alot more that opens up as you get to know it more.

    The Micropog is one of the quietest pedals I’ve used. What else is plugged in? Is it on its own power supply or a daisy chain?

    in reply to: Individual Stop/Start for each of the 4 loops? #111101

    I don’t have an lp-1, sadly.

    I thought this “Each track can be synchronized with any other track or it can be asynchronous with the rest of the tracks. Because all eight tracks are run by a single processor, synchronized tracks will never drift apart. The eight tracks can be independently adjusted. Each track has an independent volume and feedback control” meant you could start each track individually, but I guess I don’t know for sure. I also can’t tell if it has a one-shot trigger. I still want it so much.

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