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  • in reply to: EH crash pad #90179
    The EH Man

    Ebay’s policy is in your favor. If you want to keep it, ask him to pay for any repairs or threaten negative feedback. He can only leave you positive feedback or none so you won’t be hurt.

    I repair EH pedals and I’m pretty sure I’ve fixed Crash Pads before. You’re welcome to contact me for repair info. I have one of those myself so I know what they sound like.

    in reply to: Vintage Original Electric Mistress Adapter??? #90126
    The EH Man
    in reply to: 80s EH mini synthesizer #90050
    The EH Man

    Here’s a pic of the rare version w/ echo and glide bar. The glide bar is the strip just above the keyboard. The echo has sliders for delay and blend and is next to the volume control. The jacks on the back are: Guitar Input (guitar uses the filter and echo. Can be overridden by pressing a key) 9V Adapter, Echo Output (echo only, just like it says), and Output. This one had been modified for MIDI control but I disconnected the midi circuit and reattached the keyboard. You can see the MIDI stuff on the upper left.

    in reply to: 80s EH mini synthesizer #90029
    The EH Man
    was there a strip there before? would i connect it to the lead? or just place it over whats there.

    There should be a very thin strip of bare metal there. Solder the wire to it.

    in reply to: 80s EH mini synthesizer #90027
    The EH Man
    though i gotta admit it sounds out of tune?

    From what I remember (and please forgive me, it’s been a LONG time) — I think it has a plastic thumbscrew pot on the bottom? Is that a tuning pot?

    There’s a tuning trimpot accessible from the top, near the tuning slider.

    in reply to: 80s EH mini synthesizer #90025
    The EH Man

    This very thin strip right here.

    in reply to: Bad Stone Phase Shifter #90022
    The EH Man

    You bet. I have one of those. IIRC, it’s also the only wah-type pedal EH made that had a chrome treadle, rather than black.

    in reply to: 80s EH mini synthesizer #90021
    The EH Man
    it in fact makes a tone. progress!

    Functionally then, it’s fine. The problem is that there has to be a complete circuit to make a sound. If you look at the circuit side of the keyboard, you’ll see where the lead you connected to on the end comes through the board to a bare strip down the side. Solder a bare piece of wire (like a piece of resistor lead), about 1″ long, along this strip. When it’s reassembled the wire you soldered helps make the circuit complete. Make sure the nuts on that side are tight. I’ve done this several times in repairs.

    in reply to: 80s EH mini synthesizer #90017
    The EH Man

    First thing to check: use a wire and short the 2 points on the pic below together (with the unit turned on). It should make a noise. By doing this you’re essentially pushing a key down. It doesn’t really matter which resistor in the row you short it to.
    This is also how you can hook up an external keyboard.

    in reply to: Black Russian Muff Switches? #89987
    The EH Man
    My muff’s switch broke as I was modding it and now I can’t seem to find a replacment. Anyone know where these or similar ones are sold??

    If you’re talking about the old-style big Russian switches they’re available here:

    in reply to: 80s EH mini synthesizer #89985
    The EH Man
    i dont see anything loose or broken, i was really careful with it.

    Since you did this on my advice, I’m going to allow you to ship it to me for a free repair. I’ll PM you the shipping address.

    in reply to: 80s EH mini synthesizer #89971
    The EH Man
    well great, haha. so i opened it up, and literally did nothing but unscrew the circuit board, blow that out with a duster, and pull off the keyboard part and dust that. put it back together and now it wont make any noise at all. hmm.

    Make sure you didn’t break any of the wires to the keyboard.

    in reply to: 80s EH mini synthesizer #89964
    The EH Man

    That’s a great video that really shows the range of sounds available.
    I saw one on ebay a few years ago that someone had interfaced to a real keyboard.

    in reply to: 80s EH mini synthesizer #89962
    The EH Man
    what did the guitar input do? that sounds appealing.

    You know, I don’t think I’ve ever tried it. Guess I’ll have to now.

    im curious about the dude on ebay who painted his pink and made a new “keyboard” for it, which he said made his work better. this one works pretty well, but theres definatly a wonky spot on one key.

    The keys are kind of wonky anyway. If you feel up to it, you can remove the circuit board under the key foil, clean the board and foil and reassemble it. Not really a big job to do but it may make it work better. If any dirt gets between the foil and the circuit board it interferes with the triggering.
    Hadn’t seen the pink one.

    in reply to: 80s EH mini synthesizer #89960
    The EH Man

    There’s a rarer version of the Mini Synthesizer that has a built-in delay, a guitar input and 2 outputs: regular and echo. The neatest feature is a Glide bar on the keyboard, right above the keys. They don’t show up very often. I’ve only seen a 1 or 2 in the last few years.
    I’ll get some pics of mine soon and put them in an article on my site.

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