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  • Syash62

    The Mel9 is great, and I use it routinely, But the sax on it is inadequate. Yes I know it’s based on the Melotron but a dedicated Sax9 would be fantastic.

    Please gentlemen, put your genius minds together and implement a pedal
    that even Steve Gregory, Dick Perry,and Raphael Ravenscroft would be envious of.

    We’re asking for a serious sax sound. Perhaps you could take inspiration from the above mentioned names.

    Thanks to all you do! Keep up the great innovative work gentlemen.
    Sincerely, Ivan S.

    p.s. I’ve tried to filter the sax on the Mel9 through various stomp pedals in order to increase it’s
    frequency and fullness, but the thin baritone just doesn’t cut for me. sorry.

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