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    Even the RE-20 as much as I’ve tried haven’t been blown away with it.

    I will have to agree but, the cost of a real one is a bit restritive…

    I agree. I mean when I bought it I knew it wouldn’t sound 100% like the real Space Echos. I still have my RE-20 hoping one day I’ll find the sweet spot. For the moment though its my two Memory mans.

    in reply to: EHX t-shirt store!!! #94636
    So you mean full product screens, rather than just the product logo/names?

    btw, how’d you make that?

    Yeah product screens. Especially some of iconic big box ones.
    Didn’t make it. Saw it on Flickr awhile ago.

    in reply to: EHX t-shirt store!!! #94621

    I guess something like this
    Though in black and white

    in reply to: EHX t-shirt store!!! #94619

    I really like the Ring Mod one. I would of like to have seen some enclosure ones, but i suppose i could upload that.

    I like EHX stuff, but i could never buy only EHX pedals. Boss pedals I’ve never had much love for. Even the RE-20 as much as I’ve tried haven’t been blown away with it. Sadly I have to admit that I’m big on design and the boss enclosures kind of seem boring and plan.

    in reply to: Compressor, Compressed: New diecast White Finger #94438

    It looks great. Too bad I don’t need a compressor. All that is left now is the Holiest Grail, Holier Grail, Pog, Polychorus and maybe the Electric Mistress. How exciting.

    in reply to: XO The Worm #94219

    Another question, can you get a cocked wah sound out of it?

    in reply to: XO The Worm #94108

    Thanks for the review. I’ve been very tempted to get one so i could add a small modulation device to my board. Is their any volume drop with any of the modes? Does the range knob control the level of the effect?

    EHX Melody Box-

    Polyphonic pitch pedal that plays in mono along with you. Can be set to do bass lines or melodies. Expression controllable maybe so that you can have some control over how it’s playing the melody.

    I was thinking about this earlier. It would come with a Expression pedal that would hook up to a XO case. Have one or two knobs for mixing the wet and dry(one mix for the expression down and another mix knob for expression up). Another two knobs for arranging harmonies or octaves. The fifth one for maybe programs such as gliss, pitch bend, steel bend, and dual harmonizer or octave.

    I was thinking of calling it the EHX Pitch Pipes or Pitch Seesaw(since the expression pedal would be like a seesaw.)

    in reply to: Post your Pedalboard #93847

    I’m usually not big on one company boards, but that looks really good.

    in reply to: What is verdict with the Tube EQ? #92398
    I had one for about a 6 months.

    Pros: The TubeEQ did a great job of beefing up, and warming up my tone, especially with low ouptut single coils or humbuckers, though it worked well with high output pups as well. Using the expression pedal, you can easily set the notch so that your guitar tone cuts through the mix, which would be perfect for live application. The cocked wah tones are excellent.

    Cons: There was always a slight bit of buzz/hum in the background, no matter which guitar I used, which cables I used, or which setting was dialed in. I sent it in to EHX for repair, and they weren’t able to remove it entirely. I don’t know if this is an issue with all of the them or not. It could just be the nature of the beast, like the Worm. Not a big deal to me really, but worth noting.

    Also, the bass and treble pots do not cut frequencies, they only boost them. When they are set 100% counter-clockwise, they are set to the original signal. In that regard, the TubeEQ is more like a fancy boost than an EQ. For this reason, the TubeEQ will not stand-in for a standard graphic EQ.

    I eventually sold this pedal because I needed the $ to purchase my ’92 Fender Mustang, and it was the pedal least likely to be used often. I already have 2 pre-1983 EHX 10 Band Graphic EQs that I absolutely adore, and plenty of boosted mids options with my LPB-2, Tube Zipper, RI Hot Tubes, and The Worm (in manual mode).

    Summary, buy the TubeEQ if you are looking for a way to find and boost a freq notch on the fly during a performance. Do not buy one if you are hoping to do the same function as a standard graphic EQ.

    Thanks for all the information.
    Kind of a bummer with the noise, that is one the thing i kind of hope it wouldn’t have. Maybe if the tubes were changed it wouldn’t? My intent was to stick it after the wet output of a whammy. I’d been experimenting with a Boss AW-2 after the wet output(The dry and the output of the AW-2 go into a blender pedal) to move around the EQ of the harmonies of the whammy. I thought with Tube EQ I could get this but have more control with the expression. Thanks for your help. :-)

    in reply to: Post your Pedalboard #87879

    Pics of my ehx stuff.
    Don’t have any recent pics of my board at the moment though.

    in reply to: Welcome new friends to the forum!! #87877

    hello all :wave:

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