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  • in reply to: Sovtek Amps Anyone? #112456

    +1 on the Sovtek users… i have a Mig-50 and i can say its one of the most interesting amps i have used.. very loud for its wattage, loads of headroom to let your pedalboard shine! i currently use both channels on my amp (one for clean & one extremely loud and dirty for that extra umph…)

    i d love to get a matching cab but i cant find any in Greece or somewhere near-by in Europe for that matter… so if anyone has any info on that please let me know!

    in other news, sovtek amps really seem to like sovtek muffs ;)

    in reply to: What are you listening to right now (revisited)? #112409

    i love these threads :P so for all lovers of heavy i m currently spinning these little huge gems….

    Toner Low debut… take a listen here->

    Suma – Ashes (2010)… take a listen here->

    and of course one should never forget the O)))


    Sunn o)))- Black One … take a listen here ->

    a must for all soundshaping addicts i might add :P

    in reply to: BASS EFFECTS … but … ALL of them #109621

    EHX love is in the air….

    the freeze is an instant WANT… seems small easy and most probably it will be cheap-ish as well… the other stuff dont really excite me (well the GBM does obviously!) and get me into a “i wanna buy this” mood… more of a “its nice that someone is making those things” mood

    furthermore i think that this forum is really working and that the EHX guys really pay attention.. notice the paragraphs about powering the new pedals in the instruction pages and remember a topic mayde by one dude complaining about EHXs (non-existent IMO) power supply terrorism…

    in reply to: EHX furniture??? #102324

    aww this is so cool!!! i didnt know it exists i just made stuff from my mind… thanks for the link!!

    in reply to: Post your Pedalboard #102901

    would you think its any good for those long “desert-y” echo sounds that i wanna produce??? i read some where that along with some white noise from a muff you can create some really cool woooshing winds effects….

    in reply to: Post your Pedalboard #102906

    how about that Space Echo brother? is it any good?

    in reply to: What Amps Do You Have? #103442


    found it on a great bargain on Ebay… i just love this little giant
    Lots of headroom for my pedals to work and it came with some weird but very sweeeeeeeeeeet sounding russian radar tubes( nah i m just saying, dont really know if they came from a radar!) which i m gonna ride for as long as i can, before changing them for EHX ones…
    Goes well with my Orange cab (4×12 with V30s) and it is as loud as the golden voice of socialism…

    needless to say that along with the russian muff you can create the best stoney doom low-end heaviness

    in reply to: Post your Pedalboard #103453

    the russian muff runs smoothly with the octave multiplexer as long as you have the blend knob in “a sweat spot” to prevent it from gnarling… how ever even if you cant tell i have the muff FIRST in my chain allthough its is last on the board. the OM likes a strong bassy signal so they make a pretty nice sound which i use more than often.

    i m searching for a stone but i havent decided what version i would like… i have heard that the russian one is very smooth… any help on this would be greatly appreciated ;)

    and many thanks to Cryabetes for the whole “mount-a-small-pedal-on-a-big-pedal” idea.. saved me a lot of space

    this topic is getting beyond ridiculous…
    you can find protocols that match any power input in any sort of pedal nowadays! i have my russian muff (the one without the power input) link to a Cioks Big John with a little cable that has a “match” for the two thingies (how technical am I???) that you put the battery on.


    at the moment the music/electronic gear developers have a solution for all your problems!
    stop whining and enjoy the sound man… nobody really falls for that “use my adapter or you get killed” anyways so why make a big fuzz (pun intended!) about it???

    in reply to: Post your Pedalboard #104269

    @ Mr Grim

    i dont know if all russian bballs are better sounding than the nano version. maybe mine has “character”! i compared them nevertheless in a guitar shop nearby my house and the difference was there, but when/if you get the nano version do a quick review&compare;so we know if the rule applies to all pedals

    @ friedjesseradio the small stone is on my to-buy list already ;) is nano version the same with the old big-chassis one?

    in reply to: Post your Pedalboard #104364
    looks really nice. you could add another BB/nano/compact sized pedal if you mounted your tuner on top of your bassballs.

    well that is a good idea but wouldn’t velcro and glue kind of ruin the bassballs?

    in reply to: Post your Pedalboard #104544
    thats pretty cool man. i would replace a couple of things but i would have fun with that one. i would definitely get a nano bassballs instead.

    do say brother… i am always looking for new sounds!

    the “dirty” envelope on the sovtek bassballs is very unique sounding IMHO and cannot be matched with the nano version. i know it takes a lot of space but sound is sacrifice to begin with!

    edit. Thanks for the kind words where are my manners!

    in reply to: Volume (high or low impedance?) pedal placement #104559
    great thanks brother! i understand that you can also use Vol.Pedals as gain control when putting them before a fuzz/OD (going from “almost” clean to “full-on” dirty)???

    Instead of using a volume pedal you can actually use the volume knob on your guitar as well if you didn’t know. That’s basically all most volume pedals are is a volume knob in a foot pedal.

    well i knew that would work on an overdriven tube amp (the volume knob) but i didnt know the same principle applies for volume pedals… many thanks brother

    in reply to: Post your Pedalboard #104558

    Hi fellow EHX- and Tech-heads! (new kid on the block)
    for your kind eyes i give you the latest version of my little train


    Let me know what you think and any tips/tricks/hints are more than welcome…

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