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  • in reply to: New EHX pedal at Summer NAMM! Sitar simulator :) #106145

    this pedal is going to be EPIC

    in reply to: New EHX pedal at Summer NAMM! Sitar simulator :) #106710

    This is an absolute must!!!! cant wait to see more details… not just as to how it sounds but even more as to how it works.. there have been several sitar-sims arounds but they all just give out a “low-volt-dying-buzz-fuzz” sounds and not really the -good stuff-

    i am sure this pedal will be groundbreaking!!

    if anyone has any more info etc please post!!!

    in reply to: EHX modulation on delays #114894

    much obliged sir you have been most helpful and very quick! i guess the pitch-vibrato is what i m looking for (based on the video-reviews on the ehx site) so now i am actually “waiting for the Worm(s)” :P


    in reply to: What are you listening to right now (revisited)? #113813

    spinning this at the moment
    Eobin Trower – Little Girl from the Album In City Dreams

    great groove great guitar excellent soundscapes… i think there is a EHX mistress somewhere in here… what do the experts think??

    awesomeness… killswitch is a definate must! wouldnt mind that little flange either :P

    in reply to: 3-5 business days #113643
    In 0-1 (I haven’t checked the post today yet) business days I’ll receive a pink wheel for the wii… I’m so damn cool.

    off-topic: i just got that 25th Anniversary Mario collection and it is THE GAME.. brought back a lot of joyful memories :P

    in reply to: 3-5 business days #113641

    congrats on the cathedral i assure you that its gonna be the BEST most versatile reverb you have ever heard, remember to plug it in stereo if you can the resulting sound is phenomenal…

    in other news, in 3-5 business dates i ll receive a diggeridoo and a tibetan singing bowl…

    in reply to: Electro-Harmonix Effectology, Vol.16 “Doctor Who” #113614

    i just wanted to drop a few line to thank first of all bill for all his wonderful work in effectology and then thank him again for introducing me to Delia Derbyshire…. this lady was pure soundscaping genius, organic, sexy, WAY ahead of her time… what a treat really to get to research her and her music via EHX..thank you so much this was life changing….

    everybody check this video ASAP

    in reply to: Freeze Pedal/Micro Pog Demo with Turkish Saz #113610

    very good indeed… you should try even more pedals as you go on (and give us video of course at the same time :P )

    i wonder how would an oud and a saz sound like with a HOG! or some freeky envelope filters.. really the possibilities are endless..

    in reply to: Footswitchable Samples #113578

    excellent!!! thanks alot melx i m gonna research this a bit but i think it will do the trick!
    thank you all you have been of great help

    in reply to: Holy Grail – is it the right one for me? #113492

    cathedral is the way to go!! i got mine a couple of days ago used (something like 150euro) and its kicks major but on all them Boss RV and Handwired Whats-their-name… long list of feautures exceptional sound quality (stereo is uber cool imho) and with that predelay sections there is no such thing as a “not-long-enough” reverb… highly recommended and well worth the extra cheese. anyways it changed my mind on reverb (which i though were sort of useless)

    in reply to: Footswitchable Samples #113491
    otherwise, the Boss SP202 is the only thing I can think of but it’s still probably cheaper [and easier to hook up] to get an RC-2.

    ok a friend gave a an RC-2 for a couple of days, but since i havent ever used a looper before i m quite lost with this… Cryabetes and Melx you seem to know your stuff, how would i go about inserting my wav. files into the RC-2, there is nothing in the french (dont ask…) manual that i could figure out as well… thanks to all!

    in reply to: Footswitchable Samples #113475

    ok i am bumping this because i really need an answer..

    what we need is a stand-alone (no laptops) machine/pedal that triggers prerecorded samples (movie quotes etc) via a footswitch… i dont need much memory since i use samples once or twice per gig for about 30sec-1min… i was thinking of connecting it with the PA but throught the guitar amp works fine for me if you guys have somethings in mind…

    so come on you gear gurus shine a light on a lost soul..

    in reply to: Footswitchable Samples #113438
    array of Boss RC-2’s/RC-20XL’s. I once made a footplayable drum kit with them [and realised I should just actually buy a drum machine].

    hey thanks for the suggestions, but these are a bit pricey and i dont plan using any other features than the sample triggering, so i was looking more towards a DIY-or-connect-something-with-something-else solution…

    in reply to: please help! #113430

    play some blues man, dead-easy to learn and play with other unknown musicians, easy to find chords, lyrics etc.. and it can do all sort of ranges from “happy good times r’n’blues” to “my wife just left me and all i got is Southern Comfort” style…
    set up is fairly easy and quick as well and you dont need alot of musicians to make it sound right

    anyways thats my two cents.. i hope to you the best of luck ( i have been in a similar situation and at the very last moment i cancelled…) and let us know how it went

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