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  • Sommy

    I realize it would be quite an undertaking, but I would like to suggest the idea of an external hard drive or hard drive-type device for the 2880, accessible via an adapter through the Compact Flash drive.

    I love my 2880, but the possibility of saving multiple sets of loops is something that I would kill for. Something like an iPod-type device that allows the user to save sets of loops and queue them up into the 2880 would allow for some great live performances, and furthermore, would allow users to manipulate and chop saved loops without losing the original recording.

    in reply to: Post your Pedalboard #109596
    Made a couple of small changes:


    Where can I get a board like this?


    Let’s see…

    first-run Holy Grail (big box/chicken-head knob; sold a year ago)
    Polychorus (chicken-head knobs)
    Nano Doctor Q (sold that one recently)
    2880 w/ footswitch
    another 2880 (still have both)

    in reply to: Tape delay simulation w/ 2880 and MIDI CC parameters #107419

    Also, the tape decay you hear in the video is pretty subtle compared to what is possible. I may create another video with more examples.

    in reply to: Tape delay simulation w/ 2880 and MIDI CC parameters #107491
    Really cool effect and nice vid…. unfortunately, as thorough as you explained I got lost about mid way through. Doesn’t help that I’m completely MIDI ignorant. I think I need to start experimenting with the midi functions too, seriously. That was really cool though. How was it changing speeds… changing tempo via midi or just happened naturally as you strummed at awkward times?

    I didn’t implement the tempo change in that particular video — only the track one fader. So, all you are actually hearing in the video is bits and pieces of the audio on that track being destroyed (though I could see how that would impart apparent pitch modulation).

    You can change tempo via MIDI, but with the 2880’s tempo shifting in normal recording modes, you are limited to half step increments, which sounds kind of awkward (although you can use it for gated arpeggio effects and the like). I sort of wish the tempo slider would always behave like it does in the constant tempo mixdown mode, because I could then successfully create some Boards of Canada-esque sounds.

    in reply to: Post your Pedalboard #108620
    WMD Super Fatman! Sick! :rawk:

    awesome board… why two volume pedals?

    Two parallel signal paths for layered sounds.

    cool… what are the paths exactly if you can tell me? :) it’S really interesting

    Right now, it goes like this:

    –> Fulltone OCD –> Keeley Compressor –> TC Electronics Nova Delay ====> (path split to A and B)

    (A) –> Ernie Ball VP Jr –> T1M summing box input L1

    (B) –> Zvex Vexter series Box of Metal –> EHX POG –> Ernie Ball VP Jr –> WMD Super Fatman –> EHX Polychorus –> EHX Stereo Memory Man w/ Hazarai –> T1M summing box input R1

    You’ll notice on the summing box that there are two unused inputs. Originally when I had the piece made, I was using a mini mixer on one channel so I could maintain the stereo image from the Polychorus/SMMH, but it added too much noise, so I had the summing box made. Unfortunately, with the way it was designed, it caused signal loading, so I’m not using it that way right now. I need to have a couple of buffer circuits built into the unit, and it should work correctly then.

    I just love having layers of texture, and in stereo, no less (even if it’s not set up that way right now :().

    in reply to: Post your Pedalboard #109371
    WMD Super Fatman! Sick! :rawk:

    awesome board… why two volume pedals?

    Two parallel signal paths for layered sounds.

    in reply to: Post your Pedalboard #91860

    Made a couple of small changes:




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