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  • in reply to: Deluxe Memory Boy (Problems in Europe) #112473

    I’ve followed the instructions on the manual.

    – I’ve used a Boss 9VDC Power supply: guitars’ sound came through but only with the delay swiched off; as soon as the delay is swiched on NO SOUND AT ALL.

    – With the power supply supplied by EHX with the pedal plugged into a converter that adapts US system to EU: NO SIGNAL AT ALL.

    – Went to a music store to buy a a regular european EHX adaptor and tried it there with an expert: didn’t work; leds lit up but no delay sound.

    So the conclusion is that the pedal is not in working order. It is really sad because my EHX Germanium 4 and my EHX Small Clone work both perfectly.

    Thanbk you all very much for getting envolved in helping me. I really appreciate this!

    (Please excuse my english)

    Regards from Spain,

    in reply to: Deluxe Memory Boy (Problems in Europe) #112439

    I’m in Spain and bought it from an american dealer in the US. Well, I have the chance of returning it, but all I need to know is if it is broken or not.

    I love the device and want to keep it! But, if there is nothing wrong with the device, I need to know how I can run it in Spain.

    Thanks for your time!

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