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  • in reply to: famous musician pedalboard pics with EHX #109211

    speaking of red white and black, “They” have proven that those colors have a strong psychological effect, The white stripes, coca-cola, and the third reich have all used them.

    in reply to: cathedral revrb settings #108467

    ”The Cathedral is a digital reverb pedal with seven different types of reverb plus digital echo, all of which work in true stereo.”
    that’s from the manual
    It’s rather subtle, it adds a stereo spacial sound that you can’t get in mono. The Blend, and Reverb time nobs seem the most effected in stereo The blend cranked up really creates the “CATHEDRAL” sound, where as tuned lower you get more of your classic reverb tone. also the infinite mode dose some thing really weird to the stereo, especially when you keep playing with the button held down.

    in reply to: cathedral revrb settings #108456

    I love this pedal any setting with tone turned dark, expect for the hall settings i know that sounds simple but i really hate harsh reverb ALSO run this pedal in stereo YOU MUST!!!!!!!!!!! I think all of Eh pedals that are stereo Should be used that way

    in reply to: Micro metal muff and a bass guitar #107126

    bass and the metal muff are great i use a gibson thunderbird svt 8×10 mesa bass 400+ and it sounds pretty good the top boost can also do some evil things with bass but as far as the nano version it should rip nice and small and evil

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