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  • in reply to: Memory Man with Hazarai – Right output issue #121088

    Sorry can’t help you there

    in reply to: Post your Pedalboard #121054
    Ok, as promised, I managed to find the camera (hidden in the strange compartment at the top of a chest of draws with a door that opens from the bottom that i used to call the “cakey” when i was a kid).


    Some mysterious stuff there. I tried to get my amp in the pic as much as possible without showing up how much of a mess of boxes and cables there is next to it – and excuse the random jar of small change – that is my dad’s, i don’t know what its doing there really.

    For the sake of any questions – the squiffy little guitar is a hofner shorty that i bought on tuesday. Its actually lovely to play and sounds pretty good too. Simply put in the photo because it was small enough to fit.

    Then the pedals: The wah is first in the chain – its a vintage JEN “mister crybaby super” that i managed to get for £15. The 2 silver pedals are a Marshall JH-1 OD/Distortion and ED-1 Compressor. The vox is just a channel/reverb switch for my amp. That odd colourful pedal is a Danelectro Talkbox, it does the job, although i wish i’d got something a little better. The orange pedal is a Boss DS-2, which is very underrated IMO. The next 3 need no introduction – EHX Big Muff and small stone, and a small clone in the FX loop. Also in the FX loop is that bashed up danelectro delay pedal which cost me £2. All these are powered by a godlyke PA-9UK or a SoundLab Pedal Power 450.

    The amp is a laney VC30. I run all my distortions into a very slightly overdriven amp all the time – it just thickens up the sound and smooths off the harshness that comes from the transistors and diodes.

    Long post, but i love discussing gear a bit too much :P

    in reply to: LPB-2 True bypass? #121053

    Put it back to how it was,that my suggestion

    in reply to: Memory Man with Hazarai – Right output issue #121052

    Sounds like a problem with mm to me ,what you did in the set up should have worked, stick to mono or say good bye to it for a couple of months


    What’s the hot tubes like,do you think I’d need one with the soul food a boss odrive distortion and gain on my amp. Cheers


    Soul food
    deluxe memory boy
    soul preacher
    bad stone

    in reply to: daisey chaining #120988

    Cheers , im playing around with my pedals know,gonna keep my deluxe memory boy and t rex tonebug revb on separate power supply and daisey my soul food and preacher and distortion

    in reply to: overdrives #120950

    Cheers ,nice guitar by the way

    in reply to: Soul Preacher-lot of noise-Advice please. #120914

    I’m having same trouble. I’ve heard about the trim pot and am using p90s, at what position should i set the volume for unity gain

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