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    Amazing stuff Bill, it’s so great having you contributing your stuff. It’s very appreciated.

    Stay tuned, we’re just getting started! :metal:


    I scanned the fronts of the boxes and with Photoshop cleaned them up and added the settings.
    The HOG pic was a scan the first page of the manual.
    I have pedal templates for all the sounds that will be featured.
    Just double click the pic and its life size.

    There are some very cool sounds coming up in the upcoming clips.
    I hope everyone stays tuned.
    There will be something for everyone in many different styles.

    Bill Ruppert

    Somebody a while back suggested I should try to add “blank templates” for the pedals — that people could print and then mark up — I’m still hoping to get that done one of these days — useful, right?

    Hey Bill, I have a question: where did you get those graphics that you’re using to record your settings?

    in reply to: Awesome Virtual Tour of CBGB #97179
    Country, Bluegrass, Blues, and other music for uplifting gormandizers

    OMFUG yourself.

    in reply to: Announcing: EHX Overdrive for Rock Band 2 #97089

    It’s funny, some people seem bent out of shape over this!

    The game controller isn’t for people who play real guitar — it’s for people who like the game, and liking a game is fine with me… :)

    in reply to: New Dealer Locator #97043

    Hey Robert, thanks for the update — and thanks for helping!

    in reply to: Bass Blogger XO series? #96903
    Everything in the large diecast box (like the Little Big Muff) is referred to as the XO series. Small diecast box units (Nano Clone) are Nano.

    fwiw, I think of the Nano/XO family names as artifacts of the transition to pedals in the new chassis.

    Back when everything was “classic” and we first introduced pedals in the small diecast chassis, it made sense to refer to them with a family name, and that’s where Nano came in.

    Later we started making pedals in bigger diecast chassis — (ps: not just the “large” diecast chassis like the Voice Box, but also the “medium” chassis like the Micro POG) — and these were all then called XO to distinguish them from Nano. (personally, I don’t really get this one)

    And now that almost everything is Nano or XO, I don’t really think these terms mean as much anymore, and so I don’t tend to use them on the EHX site, and I do expect that to be the trend.

    in reply to: NAMM & Musikmesse #96723
    I wish i could have that whole case. But sadly i can’t :(

    You can have the whole case…and I’ll take the pedals inside ;)
    fantastic stuff.


    in reply to: New Dealer Locator #96516
    Hoins Intermusik
    Ostertorsteinweg 49
    28203 Bremen

    It could be a few reasons — my suggestion is, next time you’re there, that you might encourage them to contact their EHX rep (who, I believe is Matthias).

    Please let me know what happens if you do!

    in reply to: New Dealer Locator #96509
    Hey all, I’ve been working on a new dealer locator for the EHX site:

    I hope you find it handy, I expect to publish it soon…

    Practical question for you, Scott…what does my local music store have to do to get on the EHX locator?

    Thanks. :)

    Who is your local music store?

    in reply to: embed photo #96500

    Right — if you can host your picture online somewhere (eg, photobucket, etc.) you can then get the URL of the image and include it within your post. The ‘attachment’ feature is more of a quick way for somebody who doesn’t use one of those online services to still add an image.

    in reply to: XO Pog or a even new version? #96481

    Moved! :)

    in reply to: The EHX Merch Shop: Share What You Wear! #96356

    Holy Smokes. Wow.

    Can you possibly assemble 5 friends and take a group pic? That would be AWESOME!

    in reply to: Voice Box Demo by GuitarGearComMx #96147
    …so who is stepping up to the mark? I don’t have the Voice Box yet.

    I’ll put yer name up in lights! :poke: :rawk: :thumb:

    in reply to: Voice Box Demo by GuitarGearComMx #96134
    the jack conte videos make me want to buy the voice box, that video did not.

    Ah, then I should point out the difference — Jack made those videos for us — whereas this is a video by somebody out in the extended EHX community — I happened to find it, and thought some folks might find it helpful…

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 237 total)