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  • in reply to: Welcome new friends to the forum!! #87744

    ah, so it’s just that new members have to wait an hour, and can then send PMs normally. I guess the protection is that if some bot gets through the registration captcha, that it still has to wait before PM’ing (though, it seems, it could post, so I’m not totally sure it’s all that helpful as a spam fighter). But thanks for helping me understand!

    in reply to: Welcome new friends to the forum!! #87736
    I’d leave it on…’s no biggy, people can wait an hour after joining, it’s not that long.

    It’s stops spammers joining and filling every PM box with spam. we can delete spam posts quickly, but we can’t delete spam from other people’s inboxes… don’t want every PM box of every member filled with pron spam do you?

    Perhaps I don’t understand what it actually does — I thought it just delayed delivery — which, it seems, wouldn’t actually prevent spam?

    Or is it that it sends your PM right away, but have to wait before you can send another?


    in reply to: Welcome new friends to the forum!! #87733
    yes, it was the same for Kev, it’s to stop PM spamming….it’s probably a good thing.

    Personally, I’d probably have it send PMs immediately, and only apply the delay if that proved to be a problem. But y’all are much more experienced in forums — should I leave the delay on, or look for a way to turn it off?

    in reply to: Welcome new friends to the forum!! #87728
    i sent you a thank you pm on here but it said it would take an hour to send or something.

    We’re all pretty new to this forum software (hence the delay in a full launch), so there are likely kinks to work out.

    That said, I’ve never seen a message saying that a PM would take an hour to send — has anybody else seen anything similar?

    in reply to: control panel won’t let me upload my avatar #87668
    it works now
    before it kept telling me that it wasn’t a jpeg

    Glad to know that it’s working — if anybody else notices anything similar, please do let me know!

    in reply to: control panel won’t let me upload my avatar #87665

    fwiw, I fetched a copy of that Freq image, and uploaded it as the avatar for my test account, see here:

    You clicked the ‘browse’ button, and selected your local image file, and then clicked ‘upload avatar’? What if you try again? If it doesn’t work, can you tell me what exactly happens?

    thanks! -Scott

    in reply to: control panel won’t let me upload my avatar #87664

    I just tried uploading an avatar into a test account, and it seemed ok — what goes wrong?

    Is it that freq image you’re trying to use as yours?

    in reply to: Tube Zipper Audio Demo #87662

    Hey kidamathias, welcome to the EHX forums, nice to have you here!

    in reply to: Hi, thought I’d introduce myself #87659

    Hey julian, nice to have you here! (we’re going to be missing these ‘quiet’ days soon enough… :))

    in reply to: Iconic EHX Tracks #87600

    Come to think of it, I’m not sure if this would work well as a wiki — because each post has a maximum number of characters — so, either we’d have to break it into multiple posts or I’d have to raise the max size (which might not be such a good idea).

    Anyhow, one advantage is that we’d wind up with a organized and collected list — or we could just fire them into a series of posts — do you have a preference?

    As for references, they’re great, though I’m not sure if they should be a requirement.

    As a format, how about something like:

    EHX: {}

    So, per F&EHX;, we might have something like:

    Nine Inch Nails
    The Downward Spiral
    “Mr. Self Destruct”
    Adrian Belew
    EHX: Frequency Analyzer
    References: 1, 2, 3
    Submitted by Fender+EHX4ever

    Does this make any sense? I think I could get lots more people to see the list if it were in some sort of format — but it would take a bit more work — but, with a bit of thought now, perhaps not too much additional work.

    Anybody care one way or the other?

    in reply to: Iconic EHX Tracks #87594

    Question: do y’all think we should treat this thread like a Wiki?

    Meaning, what if we were to edit the suggestions into the first post in an on-going way — does that make any sense?

    in reply to: EH-9390 3 Phase Liner electronic necklace? #87580

    That picture of the necklaces, it kills me.

    The Hall was totally weird, as EHX sold almost nothing there (from what I remember, just the light art).

    It was on 48th Street (NYC’s music performance district), so the idea was that you’d try stuff there and then walk over to Manny’s/Sam Ash/Rudy’s/etc. to purchase.

    It was all black, with a counter on the right when you walked in. On the left, there were pedestals with EHX gear, guitars, and headphones — you could just walk in, and pick up a guitar, and play. In the back, there was a stage.

    Once, we actually had 48th street closed off, and Adrian Belew did a little performance. Something was wrong with one of the pedals, and Mike bent over to see what was wrong, and his pants split in two. Oh, and I remember somebody’s shouting at him, “capitalist pig.”

    in reply to: EH-9390 3 Phase Liner electronic necklace? #87579
    We should invite Bieke as well.

    If there’s somebody else who should be here, do let me know!

    in reply to: The Old Audio Demo’s! Where are they? #87425
    Yes i understand

    Woah few hundrend Ehx audio demos!! 😮

    I’m not sure what the best solution would be. We need more people in on this ;)

    Right — additionally, it’s potentially two different approaches: 1) use most of the old library, or 2) hand-pick a few that are especially good — and both have a different set of corresponding complications, if you see what I mean.

    fwiw, I like the behavior of the play buttons on this page:

    But you can see that if we have 20 or more clips for a single product (such as the Big Muff) this approach wouldn’t work…

    in reply to: The Old Audio Demo’s! Where are they? #87420
    so, is there no way to load the file off andromeda and save to the computer and upload again?

    oh, I have all the old MP3 files — a few hundred of them, I think — the question is essentially: given a few hundreds audio clips (presently in MP3 format) — and given that we would want to present them via the respective ~50 product pages — how would we manage that?

    Previously, we had the benefit of Andromeda doing all the work — not sure if I’m doing a great job explaining — but taking a collection of a few hundred files, along with all the corresponding meta data (artist, pedal, name, etc.) — and then slicing that all up, and presenting it within the respective product pages — that’s actually a pretty substantial job.

    I love the audio clips too (I started adding them to the site back in about 1999-ish) — but, as I understand it, it’s going to be a fairly major job to get them up within the new site — but perhaps somebody knows of a smart and simple way to go about it.

    See what I’m saying?

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