Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 196 through 210 (of 237 total)
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  • in reply to: Whats the story with the small box DMM? #88522

    Quoting myself from another forum: “as best as I understand it, the XO DMM is only available in some non-US markets — and that’s because it was tweaked for European Union RoHS-compliance — so there isn’t an XO DMM in production for the US market. I have no information regarding when/whether a US XO DMM will become available. I totally wish I could be more specific, but that’s really the best I can do!”

    in reply to: Melxowtone Audio Demo #88521
    it was fun, that’s for sure…….I’m gonna demo a load of my ehx pedals next…I think I’ll do one of the knockout because that seems to be a pedal people are curious about, but haven’t tried out.

    I was just thinking the new ‘signal pad’ would work excellent with this to kick it down to a lower gain for cleaner parts. :)

    Video! :poke: :)

    in reply to: New diecast Worm, Graphic Fuzz, Frequency Analyzer #88205
    Anyone know when these are being released? My shop called the week before Thanksgiving. They were told, the during the week of Thanksgiving. Nothing yet.
    I called GC and asked about the BM w/ TW and the guy never even heard of it.

    I’ve had my Graphic Fuzz on backorder for about 3 months now, I’m getting a little anxious.

    My understanding is that the new Graphic Fuzz starts shipping today!

    in reply to: Welcome new friends to the forum!! #88138
    I know all you HCFX guys are glad I’m here! LOL

    I am!! I don’t understand why some people have beef with you over there….I’ve always found you friendly and polite….so a big welcome from me…now go and post your muff collection!!!!

    All I can add is: “What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas” — and, boys, this right here is EHX country, all outside guns and beefs shall kindly be left at the bar… ;)

    in reply to: Introducing: Signal Pad #88006
    I like to think of it as the LPB minus-1


    in reply to: Introducing: Signal Pad #87995
    Sweet. That’s like a reverse overdrive pedal or an “underdrive”.

    Exactly & well put! :thumb:

    in reply to: Welcome new friends to the forum!! #87936

    Holy smokes, I’m not going to be able welcome everybody by name anymore! It’s great to have y’all here, thanks for joining us.

    in reply to: will there be contests? replacement t-shirt content #87932
    my wife threw out my ehx t shirt :(

    Throw out your wife! :metal:

    fwiw, I’m itching to have contests and whatnot here — but we do have some other details we have to nail first. What sort of contests seem fun?

    aw, I take back what I said about your wife, show her some :love:

    in reply to: Welcome new friends to the forum!! #87884

    Hey there LowWoods, electric mister, SupremePancake, anglerfish — thanks to all y’all for joining us here!

    in reply to: Hi, thought I’d introduce myself #87883

    Hi anglerfish & poog, thanks for joining us here — I hope we can make this a solid community!

    in reply to: Welcome new friends to the forum!! #87824
    Thanks for all the feedback — fwiw, if anything ever seems not to be working right, please do let me know!

    Is there a chance to show the title of the relevant topic/thread in the subject line of the “Subscription Notification”?
    (like Harmony-Central and DIYstompboxes do?).

    Right now my OE in-folder is full of “EHX Forums” replies that all look the same,
    while the replies from the other fora are all clearly distinguishable
    so I can delete the old one as soon as I receive a new one,
    without having to go to the mail to check out what it`s about…

    Should be better now?

    in reply to: Welcome new friends to the forum!! #87778
    Thanks for all the feedback — fwiw, if anything ever seems not to be working right, please do let me know!

    Is there a chance to show the title of the relevant topic/thread in the subject line of the “Subscription Notification”?
    (like Harmony-Central and DIYstompboxes do?).

    Right now my OE in-folder is full of “EHX Forums” replies that all look the same,
    while the replies from the other fora are all clearly distinguishable
    so I can delete the old one as soon as I receive a new one,
    without having to go to the mail to check out what it`s about…

    Thanks for the question — I’ll ask, and if you later start to get the thread title within the alert email subject, then the answer is yes… :)

    in reply to: Happy Thanksgiving! #87773

    And happy birthday to melx! :thumb:

    in reply to: Welcome new friends to the forum!! #87768

    Thanks for all the feedback — fwiw, if anything ever seems not to be working right, please do let me know!

    in reply to: Happy Thanksgiving! #87761

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    fwiw, I added some stuffing to the blog — gobble gobble — somehow it seemed appropriate… :)

Viewing 15 posts - 196 through 210 (of 237 total)