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  • in reply to: Creamy Dreamer? #103538

    yeah, right, find your own sound, but maybe you want to sound LIKE ‘x’ because that sound is close to the sound that guy wants. (I understand my own nonsense :lol:)

    btw, I want to mod my russian bmp, I need to get myself together and do it.

    in reply to: Where are you from? #103506
    in reply to: FIlter Matrix #103425

    Well another good idea would be replacing the side switch for the filter matrix with a stomp switch.

    in reply to: Hello from Argentina #103258

    Old reply? En la pagina misma hay una secciñ³n dentro de exh community en la barra de arriba, de ahi en dealers elegñ­ Argentina, ahi estan los que importan al pañ­s. Y si sos de capital, sobre la calle talcahuano entre rivadavia y sarmiento (esas 3 cuadras) estñ¡ lleno de locales de mñºsica. Muchos tienen productos de EHX. Hace poco estaban restringidas las importaciones al pañ­s (algunas) y entraban pocos productos, pero ayer (2 de noviembre) pasé por ahñ­ y vñ­ muchos productos nuevos.

    in reply to: Post your Pedalboard #103256

    I see a SMMH and a HOAX back there on the first pic

    in reply to: Which delay to go with #103156

    I see that you have digital and analog pedals in mind, so first of all think what do you want. According to what you’ve said, seems the MBoy is the one.

    in reply to: What Are You Doing Right Now? #102821

    Reading Cyanide and Happiness

    in reply to: Reverb on effect loop? #102782

    I think there is a difference on the tone. Imagine you’ve got thousands of pedals all chained up, straight to the amp. The (clean) signal quality would be affected by multiple cables. With the FX loop the signal that goes thru the amp is pure and exclusive from your guitar. And about the input gain, it could be the same. The level that you put on a pedal affects it, if gain pedals is what you talk about, but since this is a time/mod effect, I don’t believe so. I don’t know any further of this subject, but as far as I can tell, its about preferences. There is a thread arround here discussing about that (or maybe a few posts haha). Enjoy the pedal, I wish I had one. Fell in love with flerb.



    Just a Russian black big muff, but I love it. I want to do some mods on it to get more gain and better bass handling (since I use it with my bass).

    Also want a v2/russianv3/bad small stone, a flanger hoax, another russian muff, a small clone, maybe a doctor q, a bass microsynth, a dmm, a dem, a sem, and the list goes on and on and on and on hahaha. Also I want a job so I can buy a new bass, a nice guitar, a decent amp (and not that sucky thing that I have). Oh man.

    in reply to: Am I doing Wrong??? #102735

    No, I don’t think you can (99% sure), its just an electrical signal going thru a circuit (o al menos eso creo). I heard of some people that uses even 2 muffs at the same time (even if its pure noise lol).The only way to break it, would be unproper handling (different voltage or polarity w/ power supply or physical damage)

    in reply to: Reverb on effect loop? #102710

    This debate resembles like “In which order should I put my pedals?”. There is no “right way” to do it. If you really like the pedal and the amp, get them both. Then try what sounds better for YOUR ears, if guitar>holy grail>amp or the fx loop. The one and only con that I find is that with your fx loop you need 3 cables (1 for guitar-amp and 2 for fx send-holy grail-fx return), instead of 2.

    Hope that I’m helping and welcome to EHX :)

    in reply to: FIlter Matrix #102380

    Well, it could be a nano pedal with a knob to find the desired freq. And maybe a switch for… Well, I’ll leave that to EHX haha. I’t does not seem like a totally bad idea, maybe a little bit underrated, but there are some EHX pedals that are underrated and currently on production…

    in reply to: What Are You Doing Right Now? #101130

    Some rancid after almost 2 hours on a bus haha. Today i’ll start to eat properly, and loose some weight :)

    in reply to: What Are You Doing Right Now? #101092

    Do you realize that the last 8 post were made by us? :lol:. Listening to some pearl jam, resting my feet (I walked 4km, about 2.5mi after my gim class haha I’m crazy)

    in reply to: I’m an idiot :) (BMP knob/pot problem) #100997

    I live outside US, UK and anywhere else 😆

Viewing 15 posts - 316 through 330 (of 352 total)