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  • in reply to: Talking Box Mini #120187
    You might look at the Iron Lung to see if it does anything for you. I think it works pretty well, but I can’t use it live because it doesn’t have a mic out and I don’t want two mics in front of me when I perform. I posted something about this a month or two ago.

    Great suggestion thank you but I don’t want anything with a mic that was why I suggested the above. Appreciate the thought though and apart from needing a mic its pretty close

    in reply to: Talking Box Mini #120153

    reply error – sorry

    in reply to: Post your Pedalboard #120133

    I think my last post was called ‘Final board’ Nope!
    I had some interference from the Memory Boy as I was running the pedals from a daisy chain PSU. I have now upgraded to a Hot Stone with isolated power and I was in NEED of a B9.
    So here is the next iteration of my now very heavily biased EHX pedal board.
    These are the best pedals!!

    in reply to: The new B-9 Pedal #120093

    Do we know when the next batch are due in the UK?
    My local store ( had sold out just as I pressed the order button and it sounds like this will now be in again on 21 July.
    Can you confirm please?

    in reply to: Congratulations to Mike Matthews #120092
    I have more EHX pedals than any other brand of effects! Congrats Mike! I can’t wait to get my grubby mitts on one of your delightful B9s!!! EHX is the goods!!!

    ^^Exactly this!^^
    Congrats – well deserved!

    in reply to: Post your Pedalboard #119963

    Final board.

    A little EHX heavy some may say but every pedal on here is my #1 choice and there are certain sounds that EHX do better than anyone else.

    This was played live for the first time for two and a bit hours on Saturday and was a dream to use.

    My favourite is still the Soul Food which continues to be the ‘make it better’ pedal. I play through a Fender Hot Rod Deluxe Nova which is geared a bit hotter than a standard HRD and the Soul Food just pushes the clean into that transparent overdrive breakup that makes everyone go all happy!

    Thanks EHX – one very happy chappy here!

    Last album of covers is here if you are interested…

    in reply to: Post your Pedalboard #119926

    I would definately upgrade the amp next!

    I was torn on the East River Drive too but I guess it depends on what you are looking for – watch the demos, especially this one go to the 5:03 mark. I have a Musicman Luke through a Fender Hot Rod Deluxe Nova and it sounds just like this.

    I leave it on for the whole set apart from one acoustic song. It genuinely makes everything better – cleans break up when I want them to (dependent on playing dynamics), crunches have more life and full dirt solos sound amazing!

    Memory Boy is truly amazing – you will love it!
    Get yourself a Soul Food while you are there – they are amazing!!!!

    cant wait to test it :)
    guess a soul food or the eastriver drive… not really sure (maybe a hot tubes nano???)

    hmm… i guess the overdrive will be a hard one to choose.
    as i play through a small squier practice amp i think the next thing to buy will be a new amp.
    the fender ramparte looks nice.
    i think about using a nano switch blade as kind of channel selector. the “cool” channel for cleans and the “hot” channel…


    it just looks ultra cool.
    what do you think?

    in reply to: Post your Pedalboard #119923

    I was torn on the East River Drive too but I guess it depends on what you are looking for – watch the demos, especially this one go to the 5:03 mark. I have a Musicman Luke through a Fender Hot Rod Deluxe Nova and it sounds just like this.

    I leave it on for the whole set apart from one acoustic song. It genuinely makes everything better – cleans break up when I want them to (dependent on playing dynamics), crunches have more life and full dirt solos sound amazing!

    Memory Boy is truly amazing – you will love it!
    Get yourself a Soul Food while you are there – they are amazing!!!!

    cant wait to test it :)
    guess a soul food or the eastriver drive… not really sure (maybe a hot tubes nano???)

    in reply to: Post your Pedalboard #119921

    Memory Boy is truly amazing – you will love it!
    Get yourself a Soul Food while you are there – they are amazing!!!!

    in reply to: Post your Pedalboard #119919

    Wow there are some amazing boards here!
    This is my current board although I have more power on order as I need to get my Electric Mistress and a phaser on here.
    For those interested the most impressive pedal here is the Soul Food. I keep telling everyone its the make it better button – I cannot recommend this highly enough. It is breathtaking with a valve amp but pretty impressive with solid state too!

    in reply to: Crying Wah – Hidden Settings #119918

    Perfect – I got it now thanks all!

    First gig with it was last Saturday – great great tones:

    [strong]Crying Tone wah with the Soul Food is tone from Heaven![/strong]

    Now if I can just find a way to stop the wah from wondering off round the stage when I’m using it!!

    Thanks again everyone who helped.

    Hey Simon, I did a test with my Wah. Removing the power don’t reverse or undo a setting. So if it’s setted for square wave it will stay like that.

    If the wah is square waving and you want it back to normal operation you have to simply follow the calibration procedure explained on this page


    If it’s not working like that I fear that the wah is defective.

    Hope it helps!

    in reply to: Crying Wah – Hidden Settings #119909

    So the second video did not have anything about resetting the square wave or the cocked wah. But then I’m not sure what you meant by second video. If its the one that shows the calibration process then: great, OK, got that. Thank you.

    At the shop we tried the calibration process and we tried taking the psu and the leads out and I was still square waving.

    If you have specific evidence of turning square wave on then turning it off again – that would be cool?

    Thank you for you help


    Ahaha, be brave and try, nothing to fear there :-) Worst case scenerio, just remove the battery (or power adapter) and it will be back to default I guess…
    in reply to: Crying Wah – Hidden Settings #119907

    Great. Thank you. I did try that on the one in the shop but it didn’t work it stayed on the square wave. It may have been a ‘feature’ of that pedal.

    I will watch the video and then decide if I want to be brave.

    The sound of it in ‘normal’ mode is so good I kinda don’t want to risk moving away from it so we’ll see.

    Thanks for taking the time to reply.




    See the second video on the Crying Tone product page, everything is there.

    To turn them off you simply do the normal calibration procedure and everything gets back to the basic wah setting.

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