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  • in reply to: DMM XO metallic whistling noise! #114893

    aaaww…. don’t feel too bad. “Noise” is EHX’s middle name.

    And to reiterate: great sounding pedals. I’ve owned several. But the noise is unacceptable TO ME. I WISH the Wiggler (for example) was a quiet pedal, I’d still own one.

    in reply to: DMM XO metallic whistling noise! #114888

    Interesting… it was the guitar. Because, over the years, I have heard UMPTEEN stories like this about EHX pedals. I have to say, I find it incredibly puzzling… EHX has made some of the most popular pedals EVER, but continue to have noise issues… I mean, REALLY?!?!? I just don’t get how every other manufacturer can make pedals that are quiet, but EHX can’t… and when someone complains about the noise, they are told “thats normal, maybe you should buy something else”???? It’s bizarre.

    I guess it doesn’t matter… apparently enough people buy the EHX pedals that they can “not worry about fixing the issues with them.” Damn shame. The Wiggler is awesome, but noisy. I’ve heard reports of various DMM noise reports for YEARS. Same for many other EHX pedals. Alot of players have sworn off EHX because of noise issues. Damn shame…

    I wonder if the new $450 tap tempo DMM will be noisy?

    in reply to: Wiggler and Power Supplies #114816

    But when you put a 12AX7 tube into a pedal, things get sticky… unless you want a “starved plate” design (plenty of those out there), the only way to use that tube the same way an amp uses it is to supply it with full voltage/milliamps, which is simply more than these pedal power supplies can accommodate. And, the number of tube pedals out there requiring this kind of power is small compared to the hundreds of regular pedals that have regular power requirements.

    Far more than the wall wart issue, I wish EHX would address the NOISE issue in their tube pedals. I owned 2 Wigglers, both had a hum/buzz, tried all kinds of “fixes” found on the net, nothing worked, sent one back to EHX, paid them the repair fee, and they took my repair fee and said “it’s no noisier than other Wigglers coming off the line.” Oh, OK… so EHX tube pedals are INHERENTLY noisy, and they make no apologies for it, nor attempts to fix the problem. Nice.

    Too bad- their tube effects are really cool and get some great sounds, but I’m not paying $192 for a wiggling NOISE BOX.

    in reply to: Wiggler and Power Supplies #114824

    yeah, I’d be VERY surprised if any of those pedal power supplies would be able to provide enough milliamps to power any tube pedal… well, any tube pedal that doesn’t use the “starved plate” technology, which I don’t think the EHX pedals do. I don’t think I’ve ever heard of anybody being able to run an EHX tube pedal off one of those power supplies; the wall wart is ALWAYS required, which is why alot of people don’t like the EHX tube pedals.

    in reply to: Wiggler – pulsing/thumping noise #114412

    If you bought it new, EXCHANGE IT!! I would. You’ve got nothing to lose… except maybe the thumping!

    in reply to: Wiggler – pulsing/thumping noise #114407

    I’m surprised no one has commented yet. I wish I could help you. I have another trem pedal that does this occasionally. It seems to disappear when I stomp on the switch (on/off) several times, like it has something to do with buildup of static electricity. I don’t know if that’s the cause, but it bugs be. I owned a Wiggler a while ago, and thought it was very cool. But it had a buzz/hum that was annoying. I tried all the online fixes (tightening all the screws, etc), but nothing helped. I sent it back to EHX for repair, and was told “it’s inherently noisy, it’s not any noisier than the Wigglers coming off the production line.” Ever since then I’ve had a real problem being able to buy anything from EHX. They are notorious for noise issues. A company as large & popular as EHX, and they can’t figure out the noise problems??? WTF?!?!

    I have been wanting to re-try the Wiggler lately, my plan was to buy a new one, then just keep exchanging it until I got a QUIET one. I hope somebody here can help you.

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