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  • in reply to: memory boy bypass #100548

    supposedly its true bypass so when off there shouldnt be any noize/signal coming from the pedal. it sounds bit strange, some short circuit maybe? should be easy to fix though i guess if it works well when on.


    yes, thats always on option but its space consuming

    in reply to: Introducing: POG2 #97847

    if i understood well, attack will control how fast the octaves will fade in. in ps3 its a bit different as the signal goes through several steps of pitchshifting rather than just fading in

    in reply to: Introducing: POG2 #97784
    the attack thing sounds really cool. it’s like the PS-3 mode 7 :)
    but damn that box is expensive as hell.

    thats the reverse delay right?
    what do you mean about that mode and attack?

    in reply to: Countdown to the new Deluxe Memory Man #95844

    Is the new small version exactly the same thing or is it almost the same thing?
    I think I read somewhere (maybe scott wrote it) that its almost the same thing, which means some different components, something that means maybe not the same sound as the trapezoid version.

    can someone confirm if its the EXACT same sound as I think someone compared them and didnt sound the same.

    in reply to: Is there solution for volume drop of SMM /w Hazarai? #95587

    I have an other idea.
    I dont know if that is easy, someone that has schematics or any more info could suggest.
    So, it would be nice if the wet level and dry level could be controlled by different knobs (or sliders) in order to be able to set the level that is desired.
    do you think it would be able to separate the wet and the dry functions from the blend knob. it would be nice if the dry would be controlled by a slider on the side and wet from the existing blend knob, hm?
    sounds like an interesting project.

    in reply to: EHX Mod Pages #94979

    Actually I did that mod back in November 2007, but I found out about the forum recently thats why I never posted before about it.
    More or less I think its the same procedure though, even the way the slider is glued to the chassis, haha

    in reply to: EHX Mod Pages #94942



    The low pass filter on the POG is way too nice to not be able to control it with an expression pedal and have some moog flavour, aint it? I thought so, thus with the precious help of my friend electritabs I did that mod which includes putting jack for the exp.pedal in the front left corner, moving the LP slider at the back due to limited space inside the chassis and adding a toggle switch at the back next to the moved slider in order to be able to choose if the exp.pedal or the slider are functioning.

    I use it with this great little switcher that my friend JAM made for me (check his pedals Its a switcher that allows me to move the POG instantly between the first (where it should be when used as octaver) and last (when used just as a filter) in the pedal chain.

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)