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  • in reply to: New band idea. #114673

    Lol, yeah vox is short for vocals. Thanks for the responses, I’ll probably look into a HOG just for the massive versatility.

    in reply to: Gold vs. Regular #113164

    I use the Mogami Gold cables purely because they’re thin and are very reliable. As far as sound, they’re good at rejecting noise and doing their job (at not being noticed).

    However, 10 years ago when I purchased my first guitar I got one of the free “Leem” cables from Guitar Center that I still use at home.

    in reply to: Danelectro Pedals #107811

    I’ve gotta agree. The French Toast is way cool. Heard it was a clone of a vintage Foxx Tone Machine?

    in reply to: Mike Matthews hints at a new product: Germanium Muff #102876

    Are they making a Germanium Big Muff or Germanium Muff Fuzz?


    in reply to: big muff stop motion video thingy. #103333
    The audio went belly up, so I had to record something post haste with the guys in the band in our rehearsal space and our guitar player Tom had to step in to play the guy coming home from work. But here it is you guys….be gentle :P

    Nice work! Makes me inspired to make a music video….

    How do you like that new Black Dove Tele?

    in reply to: The EHX wishful thinking thread. #103345

    WTF ever happened to the Germanium Muff? I’m waiting to buy one!

    in reply to: neck pick-up for sg-standard #108465

    I use a Burstbucker in the bridge and a p90(!) in the neck. The p90’s got about twice the output and it cuts through to say the least.

    in reply to: Big Muff #108468
    aaand another question… i could have a chance to trade my Sovtek for BM with tone Wicker… what do you think?

    ignore that ;)

    well i just got back from a massive jam session and my Sovtek Big Muff was just a big dissapointment :( when i stepped on it it was like i stepped on a big black mute switch… i got lost in a mix of… wait for it… one bass and drums. Ridiculous… and i have Tone on like 2/3

    on the other hand i have to say that we plugged in a bass the sound was just massive

    i’m really thinking about trying to trade it for NYC version :(

    did you ever had this kind of experience with it?

    I used to own a US Big Muff and it killed me in the mix. That problem never happened when I used a Sovtek Muff. Kinda wierd as I was playing in the same band (drums and bass) both times. However I recently got a BMPTW and am VERY PLEASED with it, especially enough to stop using my Sovtek.

    in reply to: Big Muff #108469

    Got the Tone Wicker and am having the same issue. Got good cables and a good amp. Any ideas?

    in reply to: Nano Muff Squeal #108505
    Hi, I just got a Nano Muff the other week and have been using it at home. When I went to use it at rehearsal last night it feeds back and is totally unusable. I’m standing at least 4 metres away from my amp.. but I am facing it. Is it possible that because I’m facing my amp it is feeding back? What is your experience with this? Anybody else had the same issues with the Nano Muff? Thanks in advance.

    Yup. Got mine and it was squeal plus Grand Valley radio. I fixed it by getting a real cable (Mogami).
    What kind of amp are you running?

    in reply to: Big Muff Pi w/Tone Wicker Settings #92142


    Tone OFF, wicker ON, Vol around 10o’clock Sus aroud 7:30 or 8o’clock into a
    ’68 Fender Bassman – Controls – 10,10,10 [jumped] 10,8,10

    Balls out rock sound.

    in reply to: Treble quiz #109197


    68 Bassman (jumped) Deep switch on, Vol 10, Treb 8, Bass 10, Bright switch on, Vol 10, Treb 8, Bass 10. BMPTW tone OFF wicker ON vol 10’oclock, sustain back.

    Non-improvable tone.

    in reply to: Russian Big muff Petition…Please sign and speak out #109079

    I’ll sign…

    Enter Sovtek Big Muff PI with Tone Wicker!

    in reply to: Post your Pedalboard #108987
    my simple setup, theres now a added TS-808 too. l dont need much, most of my tones ln my hands :)

    So from what I’ve played, the Proctavia, the Dunlop Octavio, and the Fulltone Octave all seem about the same. Agreed?

    in reply to: Origin of the word “flanger” #108916

    Legend has it that Andy Summers used an Electric Mistress to get that GREAT chorus sound.

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