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  • in reply to: voice box vs v256 #105445

    i just got my v256 – it is a great effect for minimal use in songs/tunes – just a bit here and there. i am waiting to gtake delivery of the voicebox thingy – double the fun – again used sparingly. not had time to work out the midi bit but i am using a oxygen8 and ive got a feeling the midi wont work from it – so i am looking at other CHEAP midi options – any thoughts (retro keyboards or controllers – unusual or other wise) or maybe the oxygen8 will work and ive just not read any of the hand books) rectec

    in reply to: voice box vs v256 #102228

    thanks for all these replies – i may just have to get both for what i need. i was amazed at the speed, number and depth of replies……and yes americans are thought of cool in the UK. one of my best friends is an american artist. the 8-256 refers to the bands of (which might best be described as filters) 8 it is very robotic 256 is smoother and subtler (i would guess). when i get my self set up i will feed back and let you know how i’m getting on. I am predominantly a visual artist (hence rectec) but i am getting back in to music after a gap (i was asked to do some vocals for a DVD and this really rekindled my desires)……….anyway, ’nuff said – cheers RecTec

    in reply to: voice box vs v256 #102204

    cheers mate – spoke to someone at a shop called hot rox and hee read out the manual – the midi bit seems really cool – i t makes it like a korg vocoder bit with more bands -256 instead of only 8 – if u use a midi key board and there are midi commands – awesome bit of kit if that is true – rectec

    in reply to: voice box vs v256 #102198

    just checking replies and views on other questions – one post got 1124 views and 13 replies. i dont mind how many views i get and one soild reply would do (only cos i’m off to buy the stuff in the next few days). peace to all you good people. rectec

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