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  • I’ll definitely check it out! However, there is no unwanted distortion or problems tracking/creating harmonies when i use the harmony modes of the Voicebox. In fact the Vocoder mode doesn’t distort if I don’t sing too loudly while using it–it’s only when the vocals get high/loud while the guitar has aggressive strumming on open-style chords on the top 3 strings does the vocal output start to break up and distort…


    (1) the knob settings are set for–what should be–the optimal vocoder settings (following the EHX user manual)..that being said, I have tried all knob combinations with no luck eliminating the unwanted, intermittent break-up of the vocal signal.

    (2) the guitar signal is dry and coming straight from the Boss TU-Tuner (see signal chain text-diagram in original post)

    I’m going to try to put an octave-down pedal in front of a compressor and feed that signal into the INST-in of the VoiceBox in an effort to cut down on the high frequencies from the guitar signal and squash the signal so that there’s less spikes in the signal that could push the Voicebox into break-up.

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