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  • in reply to: EH El Nano Memory Toy not working. #117249

    Guh… Mine just died tonight and I’ve been using it for two years without problems.

    Anyone get EH to fix theirs yet?

    in reply to: Sovtek Amps Anyone? #116096

    Well the Avatar cab sounds great with it. Not too dark for me and I’m used to my Vox AC30/6tb with Greenbacks. My Mig 100 was running two EL34s to cut the power from 100w to 50w. I let a tech talk me into going back up to four EL34s. I’m not sure if they’re brighter than using 6L6s but that’s a major difference from most Mig 100s. Maybe I should have put 6L6s back in but the guy I bought the amp from thought it was a great combination. It’s so loud now with four power tubes. I played a bigger venue last week and had to keep the master volume around 2 with the amp power turned to 6.5.

    in reply to: Sovtek Amps Anyone? #116003
    Sorry to hijack the thread but… what’s in tha Avatar? I have a 2X12 loaded with mixed Celestions and find it too dark or maybe not enuff wattage… is that 4×12? my 4×12 is a Peavey with Schefield 70″s for a 280 watt cab… and is the most incredible match to the MiG 100h.

    I just got this cab and will be trying it out for the first time at full volume tomorrow. It’s a 4×12 loaded with two Celetion Vintage 30s and two Celetion G12H30s. The idea is to start swapping speakers to fit my tone needs. It’s current loadout is at 120watts if I was to replace the G12H30s with two more Vintage 30s it would go up to 240 watts. I’ve been using a 90s Vox AC30 TB/6 with Greenbacks as my main amp and needed something with a little more lowend. I’m looking forward to useing both these amps together if I can match their volumes well. I’m playing a 61 reissue SG and a 52 reissue Telecater through them.

    in reply to: Sovtek Amps Anyone? #115997

    I had to drill the mounting holes myself but I looks great. I got the replacement Logo from Paul at

    Setzer’s Signs
    920 East 1st St
    Newton NC

    in reply to: Sovtek Amps Anyone? #115667
    there a guy on Craigslist whos selling em for like $20 , he’s in Hickory wherever that is
    but maybe you could work something out with him through the mail

    the add is running as of right now heres the url …


    Thanks! I got one from him and it looks great.

    in reply to: Post your Pedalboard #115779

    This is the lasted version of my board. I just added the POG2 and had to move the Super Hard On and the Switcher off the board. I plug in my 52 reissue tele in the Super Hard on and my 61 reissue SG in to the switcher so I can switch guitars without swapping cables. I love how my ZVEX pedals interact with my EHX pedals. I run the two delays at the same time mostly and with the Fuzz Factory it creates some awesome tones with my british made Vox AC-30. I just bough a Sovtek Mig 100 and can’t wait to try it out with my setup.

    in reply to: Sovtek Amps Anyone? #115777

    I just bought a Mig 100 and am super excited to use it with my 61 reissue SG. It’s missing its faceplate. Any chance I might be able to find one or should I give up before I try to hard?

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