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  • in reply to: BASS DEFRETTER EFFECT #123113
    Hey guys, I was recently touring with a band where the bass player was using a defretter effect to kinda give to his fretted bass the sound of a fretless one.
    It was just a part in a song so he avoid bringing the actual fretless bass. Of course it didn’t sound exactly the same as a fretless bass but it did the job pretty well in a live situation.
    It was part of a mutlieffect pedalboard which, being myself a big fan of electro harmonix products, I won’t mention the brand of ahahah!
    Have you guys ever thought of making a similar effect in a stomp box? Maybe with a chorus integrated as part of the same pedal?
    Much Love


    Fantastic Idea Andrea
    I’ll second that. I know that Roland/Boss and even Zoom have one in their own multi-effects, but having a single pedal that does this would avoid players to buy a fretless bass for just two or three songs. it will also avoid you to carry a second (or third) bass on a gig.
    Adding a chorus (and maybe reverb/delay) to this pedal would be the best of all worlds.


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