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  • in reply to: Super Pulsar malfunction #123538

    Thx so much for the fast reply!

    I haven’t had much time so I didn’t realize that’s how the xRATE function worked. The brightly lit setting works how I want so that’s np.

    The pedal chain I was trying was guitar->tuner->compressor->(mono in) delay (stereo out)->(stereo in) Super Pulsar (stereo out)->amps.

    (mono in) delay (*mono out)->(*mono in) Super Pulsar (stereo out) fixes the 180 RT Phase knob problem at the loss of stereo delay.

    guitar->tuner->compressor->(mono in) *Super Pulsar (stereo out)->(stereo in) *delay (stereo out)->amps. This setup allows both stereo tremolo and stereo delay.

    After writing it out your response makes sense, I’m a pedal noob.

    I love this pedal so much, does everything I want and more so I’ve been stressed. I’ll try support again about the freeze problem, thx again!

    in reply to: Super Pulsar malfunction #123528

    Having the same problem.

    Edit: I tried the factory reset as mentioned above and encountered a new problem.


    -I have the xRATE button off (unlit). Rate knob is all the way left. If I tap in a tempo and move the rate knob to the right it immediately slows it down. It needs to be set all the way to right to get my original tap tempo.
    -Edit #3 – After more testing, turning the rate knob all the way to the right doesn’t bring back your original tempo. It’s buggy in the same way as the dimly lit position.

    -With the xRate button dimly lit. Rate knob all the way left. If I tap a tempo in this mode and turn the rate knob it again changes the tempo to the point where you can’t find you’re original tempo. Finding your original tempo on the rate knob will depend on the speed of the tempo you tapped in. Hard to explain in words, hope that made sense.

    -With the xRATE button brightly lit everything is working as normal. Rate knob set all the way left. If I turn the rate knob all the way right and then back all the way left I have my original tempo.

    Edit #2 Another problem.

    -I’m using two amps in stereo. Wave knob set to square (The pattern that alternates 4 lights on/4 lights off), Shape knob at 12 o clock. If I put the pulsar at the end of my guitar chain the RT. Phase knob stops working at 180 degrees, I can hear the rate knob working when I turn it. Just not alternating between speakers like it should. Signal plays like it’s in bypass mode. Works normally at 0 and 360.

    -I’m using a Voodoo Labs Pedal Power plus 2 isolated power supply. 9v, max current 250mA. I’ve also tried using the Power supply provided by EHX, same problems.

    While writing this it stopped working again like what was described in the original post on page 1. So I assume the factory reset doesn’t solve the problem. Anyone have an extra Xanax?

    Help… I sent an email, but no response. I’ll send another one with this new problem.

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