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  • in reply to: Switch replacement for the Russian Big muff #106730

    I’ve replaced the foot switch and the intermittemt cutting out has gone but it is REALLY quiet when the pedal is on.

    what have i done wrong?

    in reply to: Switch replacement for the Russian Big muff #106487

    Thanks – provided i mirror the wiring is there any up or down orientation of either switch or are they symetrical?


    in reply to: Switch replacement for the Russian Big muff #106445

    final pic

    in reply to: Switch replacement for the Russian Big muff #106444

    Other pics

    in reply to: Expression pedal for Memory Boy #105886

    Looks like santa lacked some imagination.

    Cheers exactly what i was after :) I’m going to look at the Moog

    in reply to: Orange Tiny Terror vs VOX Night Train #105719

    I’ve got a tiny terror. it is superb.

    (i must admit i have not played the vox).

    The sound is fantastic and ranges from a lovely clear tone to an excellent tube driven sound.

    The disadvantages i have found with it are:
    it doesn’t have a separate clean and over driven channel.
    If you are a pedal junkie there’s no room for a send / return fx loop.
    f you’re interested in bedroom recording you will need a microphone as there is no output jack that can come on other amps (notably on some of the Marshall amps).

    These are pretty much it as far as i can think of.

    Outside of this it produces a wonderful sound how ever you have it set. I play a gibson SG into the tiny terror going into a Orange 1×12 cab and get a very sweet clean tone. I use a big muff to get an overdriven sound.

    One final thing the amp and cab together are very pretty :love:

    I hope this is of some use.




    I’ll check it out.


    I have a similar question that i’d like to jump on the back of this debate :)

    I have just bought a small stone for my pedal board.

    The power input socket on the back is different to all other pedals i have and so i can’t power it from my power pack.

    What size / type of input should the adapter be? I want to see if i can find an adapter from my power pack to the pedal.

    Thanks chaps.

    in reply to: Russian Big muff won’t allpw clean tone threw #104062

    Yup i have a similar problem.

    When i go from fuzz to bypass the pedal will often cut out / be at a massively reduced volume and i need to wiggle the switch to get the bypass sound.

    I’ve been advised to fit in a new switch but haven’t got round to it yet. In the mean time i’m using a bypass loop pedal to go from fuzz to bypass.

    If any one has suggestions outside of this please say.

    (Also switch cleaner gave a temporary improvement).

    Pigeon MAN

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