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  • in reply to: Post your Pedalboard #122686

    1. Mod tone tuner
    2. Weeping demon
    3. soul preacher
    4. pitch fork
    5. Bad stone
    6. Nano big muff
    7. Metal muff
    8. Od glove
    9. small stone
    10. #1 echo
    11. Worm
    12. HumDebugger
    13. Holy grail neo

    in reply to: Post your Pedalboard #122685

    I’m new to the forum. I started with ehx pedals after I lost most of my gear in a house fire. My cousin recommended the metal muff and #1 echo. I watched a few demos and also purchased the od glove, worm and small clone to start with. I was not disappointed and now I’m hooked on ehx. I recently purchased the holy grail neo and I love the plate reverb. I have been switching around the order some. What do you think? My amp is an ibanez T5A15H and main guitars are a Fender Strat and Fender Jazzmaster. I also own a few ibanez electric guitars and acoustic guitars. Thanks ehx for the inspiration and Rock and Roll!!!

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