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  • in reply to: will there be contests? replacement t-shirt content #88905
    Ned Flanders
    Or a “where’s waldo” type of thing, take a picture with fifteen to twenty pedals or logos or portraits of Mike hidden throughout and first person to find them all wins.

    I like this idea. “Wheres mike” in stead of waldo.LOL

    in reply to: Stereo Memory Man with Hazarai #88904
    Ned Flanders

    I’ll be sure to try it out.

    in reply to: Stereo Memory Man with Hazarai #88900
    Ned Flanders

    I dunno, I posted the above tip but that the only one I know of, whats this other one you know of? (No one noticed my tip either)

    in reply to: Stereo Memory Man with Hazarai #88861
    Ned Flanders

    One of the best delays ever IMO, I can’t comment on the DMM as I haven’t tried one but I would bet its as good as the SMMH. You know on the SMMH if you have it on 300ms+mod you can tap the delay time in and get around 600ms? its a neat little hidden feature.

    in reply to: Frequency Analyzer (RI) #88860
    Ned Flanders
    This is my first EHX pedal, and I love it dearly.

    You mean first EVER EH pedal? WOW dude, you need to get some more EH pedals, they are easily the best effects in existence and value for money too! The Freq. ANalyzer is a pretty cool effect, I always think of devo when I hear about it.

    in reply to: instruments #88858
    Ned Flanders
    maybe an Electro-Harmonix by Fender guitar then Ned Flanders

    although I’d have to disagree with your sentiment

    give me a thru-neck with a tune-o-matic any day over a fender


    I’m not too into guitars that lack a 3rd bridge (so jaguars and jazzies are cool with me)

    My two guitars of choice are jaguars and mustangs, I have one of each, a 1966 mustang in daphne blue and a vintage white CIJ jaguar with humbuckers I installed in it.
    I’m a BIG fan of third bridges too!!!

    A collaboration between EHX and Fender would be good, jaguars equiped with some super secret EHX effects or something….

    in reply to: Frequency Analyzer (RI) #88846
    Ned Flanders


    in reply to: instruments #88837
    Ned Flanders

    I wouldn’t like to see EH build guitars again because no manufacturer can beat a fender guitar, EHX does effects and they do them great, stick with what you know.

    in reply to: XO POG! #88724
    Ned Flanders

    I don’t think this will happen as there is already the micro pog, besides the original pog looks cool in its big aluminum box.

    in reply to: SMMH not working properly (Looping content) #88723
    Ned Flanders

    Because its digital and complicated theres not much you can do yourself, send it to EHX and have it fixed by professionals!s

    in reply to: Post Your Big Muff(s) #88686
    Ned Flanders

    Any mods to the russians? What happened to the “metal” in the muff?

    Yeah, the new russian is actually an NYC big muff inside, the older russian is modded to somewhere in between the black and the NYC bmp, the LBM is modded to the current NYC bmp, the current bmp has tone bypass, the IC bmp is stock besides true bypass.

    The metal muff,… I removed all the text so it just says “muff”, thats boredom for ya!

    in reply to: New diecast Worm, Graphic Fuzz, Frequency Analyzer #88676
    Ned Flanders

    I’m not much into the XO pedals as much as others , I do like them but I have a weakness for the classics, but I really like the new freq. analyzer, it looks cool. Its probably one of the weirder EHX pedals too.

    in reply to: EHX pedals that never made it into production??? #88675
    Ned Flanders

    Its a wonder the wah type pedals never took off IMO, they are pretty cool effects.

    in reply to: Mogwai Big Muff… #88669
    Ned Flanders

    It wouldn’t surprise me if it was BS because we all know how much BS stories there are in the music world and about gear. But I also wouldn’t be surprised by EH changing a few things for a hundred pedals either.

    in reply to: Mogwai Big Muff… #88667
    Ned Flanders
    I’d like to see the schematic for this, just to see how much it differs from the 2000 model NYC.

    I thought it was identical?

    ah, I just read the auction…I wonder if that is just BS?

    I heard it was different…maybe scott will know?

Viewing 15 posts - 826 through 840 (of 897 total)