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  • in reply to: Electro-Harmonix has released the new Nano Big Muff #119884
    Muff Diver

    Well, after playing with the Nano Muff for a while and comparing it to all my other Muffs, I still prefer the V6 tone to all of them. This Nano is better than the one I tried out at Guitar Center, but I’m playing it with MY guitars and amps now. The amp they had set up in store was pretty crappy (I believe it was a Line 6). Anyway… I love the small size and the big sound that comes out of it. Now I’ve ordered a Bass Big Muff and a Holy Satin to play with. I’ve heard the Bass Muff is very similar to the old green Sovtek muffs. The Stain is mostly for the delays, tremolo and octave effects, but it does have a fuzz circuit, too! We shall see what we shall see.

    in reply to: Greetings and salutations #119842
    Muff Diver
    There is a company (name escapes me) who makes a replica of the Rams Head Big Muff. There is a youtube channel called Frankenstomp where he reviews the Ram’s head clone pedal. Pretty reasonably priced.

    So many of the Muff clones are REALLY expensive, and I’m not paying that much for anything that I can’t have sex with. I’ve really been impressed with the Blackout Effectors Musket (based on the Sovtek circuit).

    Kitrae has some info about it on the Big Muff page. I’ve also considered building my own Rams Head clone from one of the kits these guys have:

    I’ve heard pretty good things about them, and it’s only like $65 bucks American. The Rams Head is what I’d really love to have again, but not at over a thousand dollars. Their Violet Rams Head kit is mighty tempting.

    in reply to: Electro-Harmonix has released the new Nano Big Muff #119841
    Muff Diver
    Congratulations, though personally I would have recommended trying the regular sized NYC Big Muff Pi and seeing if you like that one. Tonight hopefully I’ll have a few minutes to put the little muff and the big muff through their paces and see what the differences are.

    I already have my V6 and didn’t really want another BIG Big Muff, so that was the main reason for the Little Big Muff. My Nano Muff should be arriving today! WOOT! I hope it’s better than the one I tested before. My Little Big Muff is plenty wooly and fuzzy, but a lot quieter than my V6 (which can do some humming/buzzing at high gain and volume levels). My favorite of all of my Muffs is the Tone Wicker. I really like the range of tones you can get with the tone bypass and wicker. The Germanium is like dating a different girl every night. You can tweak and play with the different settings on that thing forever and hardly ever get the same sound twice. I don’t get people saying it isn’t a Muff. I can make it sound as Muffy as any others Muff I’ve ever heard, but it also does a gorgeous overdrive and a nasty, chainsaw distortion if that’s what you want. Is your regular muff one of the reissues? I might pick one up some day if I can get it pretty cheap.

    in reply to: Electro-Harmonix has released the new Nano Big Muff #119820
    Muff Diver

    Well, I just ordered a Big Muff Nano. I’m feeling like I may have been unfair in my first impression of that pedal. I just hope it sounds a lot fuller than the one I tried at Guitar Center. You guys convinced me to give it another chance.

    Ahhh… Hot Tubes!!!!! That looks like an awesome bit of stompage there. I’ve got the Hot Tubes, the Satisfaction Fuzz, OD Glove and the Soul Food pedals in my wish list. The old vintage Hot Tubes was an amazing piece of work. I hope you get one soon! Let us know how you like it when you do.

    in reply to: Electro-Harmonix has released the new Nano Big Muff #119813
    Muff Diver
    I really, really wanted to like this pedal. I have about every other Muff that you make, but this one just left me unimpressed. The one I tried sounded kind of weak and lifeless compared to all the others. Maybe it was just the one I tried out or maybe it’s just my old ears. I’ll still probably get one sometime in the near future, just to have another Muff. Might I suggest you make a Nano Tone Wicker Muff. The Tone Wicker model is simply amazing.

    I ADORE the NYC Big Muff Pi, unfortunately it ate ALOT of space on my pedalboard. Purchased a smaller “big muff killer” from a botique pedal builder, but didn’t like it. Got the “Little Big Muff Pi” and it sounded thin so I was very skeptical when the nano came out. Bought it, and tried it side by side with my NYC Big Muff Pi and it feels and sounds extremely close, I’m very, very happy with this pedal. I’m guessing either it’s your particular unit or perhaps you don’t have the regular NYC Big Muff Pi.

    As I stated previously, it probably had something to do with my vintage ears. They’ve had a lot of wear and tear over the years. I don’t have a modern Big Muff to do a side by side with. I have a V6, a Metal Muff, a Tone Wicker, a Double Muff, a Germanium 4 and a Little Big Muff. My Little Big Muff blew the Nano I tested out of the water. Maybe it was an inferior unit they had in the store, They only had one to try out. I’m still planning on getting one some time in the future… just because I LOVE Muffs! I’ve never had a bad Muff…. some are just better than others.

    in reply to: METAL MUFF (With 3BAND EQ) #119810
    Muff Diver

    I really wasn’t sure about the Metal Muff until I test drove one. SOLD! Now I love it. It’s a different type of Muff beast, but it still has that Muff throatiness to it, plus some extra “oomph” to take it all the way to the next dimension.

    in reply to: The New Satisfaction Fuzz #119809
    Muff Diver

    This pedal is next on my list! Love that tone!

    in reply to: Electro-Harmonix has released the new Nano Big Muff #119808
    Muff Diver

    I really, really wanted to like this pedal. I have about every other Muff that you make, but this one just left me unimpressed. The one I tried sounded kind of weak and lifeless compared to all the others. Maybe it was just the one I tried out or maybe it’s just my old ears. I’ll still probably get one sometime in the near future, just to have another Muff. Might I suggest you make a Nano Tone Wicker Muff. The Tone Wicker model is simply amazing.

    in reply to: What Amps Do You Have? #119807
    Muff Diver

    I currently have an old Marshall JCM 800 4210 combo, an old Marshall JCM 800 4001 Studio 15 combo, a Fender Mustang and a Vox Valvetronix VT+.

    Muff Diver
    I would really like to be the guy who demos EH products. I have 30 years experience playing guitar and this is a dream os mine. Anyone know how to break into this?

    I really have no idea how to do it, but I’ll bet the line starts WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY back there about 20 miles from here. I’m number 1,776,321 in line. ;-)

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