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  • Mr.Grim

    yeah Disco, i seen a pic for the “Tone Tattoo” in another ad and i was excited for a second, until i seen the 3rd effect was the metal muff, i would have preferred another mod effect, like the Neo Mistress or sum thing!

    in reply to: WTB: Wooden Box/Classic Big Box Era EHX Effects #117276

    FYI: not all wood boxed EH products had AC cords, my big case (but still re-issue) Polychorus has a 18v adapter plug and has a wood box, as does my 4 channel Russian made mini mixer.

    in reply to: need advise for tube swapping 6L6 for KT88 !!!!! #117241

    sorry Crusty fur, but i have no info on this amp even tho i own it.

    it is a great amp and would never sell it, no matter what other amps i may have, it will always be there.

    but it is imposable to get any information at all on this amp, other than the once a year ebay listing of sum one selling one, or the official Studiomaster web page tribute to its existence, and other posts from a handful of owners asking for info themselves on other forums found thru a Google search.

    all i can provide is links to digital copies of the user guide, and a schematic that i found, that may help?!?!

    Manual: VLM/vlm.pdf

    link to schematic download:

    (if above link dont work or other sites want cash for it, let me know, i have a copy on my PC i could send you.)


    to: TenSecondTed im assuming that the audio switching for the unit is like the Morley wah auto switching, where it senses movement and electronically switches on the effect. or is pressure sensitive (i hope) so it turn’s on and off faster than Morley’s. kinda like the wah pad switching units that i have seen from other manufactures that you place under your contemporary wah, but built in.


    yeah an accelerometer, like in smart phones or Ipads that sense when it tilted for screen rotation or game play.

    as cool as it is, it may pose a problem for strapping it down to a portable pedalboard!


    i agree, im still waiting to hear the details to all the pedals, because they stated that it would be sum thing new that no one is doing now, and none of the above links are to anything if never heard of before! never the less, im glad to hear about the new products from EHX!

    in reply to: What to place in my Talking Machine Effects loop???? #117123

    i play a custom made Tele (made myself) its styled after the mid 70’s custom deluxe models but with active Seymour Duncan Blackout humbuckers and its own twisted look. i nick name it the “Terror-Castor”, and i also at times play my vintage Ibanez Iceman 4 string bass thru the same pedal board. (i made sure it works well with both, see my signature) the 4 string is strung standard, and i use Ernie Ball Beefy Slinky 11-15-22p-30-42-54 custom gauge 2627 on my guitar.


    PremierGuitar (my favorite musician publication) had just posted this this morning with a wherehouse photo on Facebook!……

    Premier Guitar
    Loads of finished pedals at Electro-Harmonix where we just got exclusive demos of two brand new, top secret pedals. We can’t tell you about them – yet. But watch for a video demo in the coming weeks. Until then, what do YOU think they’re up to next?

    in reply to: Double Muff Nano – not working as advertised #117068

    from what i know, the original “Muff” circuit is simply a mild over driven boost, that sounds great as a fuzz when stacking more than one in a row. hence they made the “Double Muff” that is simply 2 of the same circuits in the same box.

    so in reality the 2 knobs do the same thing, but it sounds fuzzier when you start turning up the second one, because you are then stacking the two circuits into each other.

    in reply to: EH The Worm compatible with t-rex fuel tank classic?? #117067

    The Worm requires 24v DC, so you would need to use a “Y” power connector to bridge 2 12V DC jacks together, and unfortunately the Fuel Tank classic only has two 12V jacks and one of them is AC voltage, and you cant mix those voltages! so unfortunately NO! you cant.

    in reply to: Suggestions needed for new setup #117061

    i personally have used (owned and used) all “clone” units from EHX and the “Nano clone” is crap, but the “Neo Clone” is a direct copy of the “Small Clone” and a very nice sounding and simple chorus unit!

    in reply to: Suggestions needed for new setup #117058

    lol couldn’t have sed it better myself, everything above i agree with!^^^^^^^^

    other than i do use a tube Black Finger for compressor that i swear by.

    in reply to: Britney Spears’ Toxic using Octave-Multiplexer #116884

    dam where did your Benny Hill theme vid go, its missing! i wanted to show it to a fellow guitarist who was interested in the tune, ether way im recommending he check out your Youtube page!

    in reply to: Help looking for new music #116852

    PRIMUS , there new album has me listening to all there older stuff and Les’s solo projects as well.


    yeah and it may improve tone with the signal path as well, i admit i dont like the idea ether, but it may be cool if the main unit was large like the Carl Martin Octa-switch and could hold many circuits or “cartridges”. basically combining the idea of a pedal board, and a large multi bypass loop system, then all you need to add is whatever effect “cartridges” you want instead of pedals.

    kinda like a multi effect unit like a Roland/Boss or Digitek meets Lego’s, only you choose what effects go in the unit, almost like being able to choose every exact tv channel you want on cable or satellite, and only paying for the ones you want instead of a complete package of crap you wont use half of.

    but the thing is getting every manufacturer to get on board to make compatible “cartridges” and making it a universal system!

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