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  • in reply to: Small Clone Problem #103476

    i agree with electro-melx, ce-2 is better than a ce-5 but only if you had to go with boss, i would stick with EH and go with what he sed and maybe test drive a XO Stereo Mistress, or stereo clone theory.

    or just check out the videos here in the product list!

    in reply to: Small Clone Problem #103446

    yeah everything sounds fine to me as well, when you first mentioned it, i thought well maybe there is sum thing wrong because my unit is very noticeable (lol). but yours sounds fine….just like mine. i can hear all the differences in all modes you displayed, even at minimum.

    maybe the Small clone isn’t what you were looking for and not as heavy and/or in your face chorus as you were looking for.

    if so try the Poly Chorus….its has a way more dominating sound.
    plus its also a slap back echo, flanger, and filter as well!

    in reply to: Effectology Vol.9 Terrifying Effect Pedals #103444

    wow Bill Ive sed it before you are a true inspiration. and this effectology is by far my favorite.

    collecting horror movies, and gaining knowledge about them , is my hobby other than music, and i love the way you have brought them together.

    ive watched this one over 20 times, antleast once a day!

    thank you!

    in reply to: Oh My Goodness!! DELUXE Memory Boy! #103443

    DarkAxel….yeah im all EH these days, but i did have a VisualSound route 66 OD/distortion pedal, and i was quite fond of it, its pretty good. these days its replaced with a full version Metal Muff w/top boost , its very versitile, you can tune in diff tones, its my favorite so far in the OD/distortion category, and i can count over 20 diff ones ive had over the years.

    in reply to: Q-Tron plus Sweep Direction mod #103441

    ask eh-man he would know, if he dont see this topic, try contacting him directly at his site , you should be able to find and email or other contact info on his site.

    because like electro-melx i dont see why it wouldent, i actualy did a simeler mod 3 days ago, but we are not experts…..he is!


    i use 2 seperate daisy chains, one for digi, one for analog. (need 2 anyway, i have to many pedals) and the chain system has adapters that reverse center and positive if needed.

    and your last comment….it may be best,mostly i agree, but not if i have so many pedals, that i need a complete separate board to hold all the wall wort’s and surge protectors, and then have each one running a power cable to the actual pedal board, thats to much to hook up, and transport, it kinda defeats the reason of having a board in the first place.

    in reply to: ouch #103439

    wow this is all funny,…where has this forum gone, and where is it going? :clap:

    in reply to: Polychorus strange high frequency? #103438

    yeah just listened to it, thats not normal, good luck on your return.

    in reply to: ouch #103413

    sorry you are correct, i dident mean invent, or discovered ether, i meant to imply using it in wires to supply power within a dwelling, that i can say was commercialized in the states first…im prity sure.

    i never meant to offend, or look like im on a defense, just trying to supply info as to what i thought was correct, and im always open to constructive criticism, or being corrected in my errors.

    and on a side note, i don’t think Americans are any better than anyone els, unlike sum a-holes around here that give us a bad rep with the rest of the world,( i see now that it may have looked like i implied that in my previous post) i actually love the UK and many other non US countries

    that’s one thing i love about music, it brings the world together, its a universal language

    in reply to: Polychorus strange high frequency? #103412

    o ok, then Fender&EHX4ever;may be correct, and/or there definitely is sum thing els wrong with your unit.


    just ask the EH man….I’m sure he will agree… long as you match the polarity, voltage, and MA, everything will be fine, they just don’t want sum moron using there adapter for there Polychorus (24V) on there nano clone (9V) and thinking it would work because there both made by EH and can make similar sounds.

    its like when you get a new car, and they recommend only using one type and brand of oil, or ask you for them to do it for you. sum people dont know whats right, and still may do it wrong, so they want to make sure its done correctly

    and yes, i do use a 1Spot daisy chain (2 actually) on all my 9V effects, as long as it can supply enough MA, it should be fine. the only side effect Ive heard of, if this is still done right, is sum unwanted power hum, which i don’t get, so im all set.

    in reply to: Where are you from? #103372

    Western New York, near Buffalo


    ahh ok…like all i use are daisy chain systems for all my 9V’s, except ones that cant because of alternate voltage, like my Holier Grail and PolyChorus, the worst offenders are the dam odd prong ones on all the tube pedals, they could have at least placed it on the top of the units, with the other jacks , its not only irritating because of the diff voltage, but irritating because it gets in the way when you try to place it on a crowded pedal board.

    in reply to: ouch #103369

    hay now electro melx, us Americans and our doggy electricity? i think its mostly because we invented it so unfortunetly whenever theres new advancments in the field, we get the prototypes of that system, and sum older places over here havent been upgraded to current specs, or the installer was unaware of them, but anything new needs to be to “code” or it wont pass.

    so by the time you get it its all ready beta tested and works correctly for you….lol

    in reply to: ouch #103367

    dam Friedjessieradio, what kind of people do you play games with where they will bite you for losing!

    and speaking of shokage….i noticed that the metal rim around my pedal board was a small tickling current going threw it, and i cant figure out why, it doesn’t effect sound or usability to any equipment but just odd. it don’t hurt ether, kinda like sticking your tung on a 9V battery to tell if it works, only i can feel it with my skin.

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