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  • in reply to: SMMH trails mod? #111727

    I’m really interested in this too – although i’d like a switch to turn it on/off
    Unfortunately I don’t have any solutions yet..

    in reply to: Post your Pedalboard #109028
    ’62 RI Fender Telecaster w/ Bigsby -> TC Electronic PolyTune > Blue Bird Tremolo/Boost > Malekko Ekko 616 Analog Delay > EHX Cathedral Reverb > Stereo Memory Man with Hazari Digital Delay/Looper > Vox AC50 Combo

    damn, this is godlike :) congrats, you just made my day


    the latest version… i added some velcro to make it more tidy… i have some cool plans with the emty space, i just don’t have the cash to do it :(

    thanks man!
    i’m loving the SMMH! I just saw that tremolo video you posted some time ago – tap trem is wicked!

    in reply to: Post your Pedalboard #109025

    ’62 RI Fender Telecaster w/ Bigsby -> TC Electronic PolyTune > Blue Bird Tremolo/Boost > Malekko Ekko 616 Analog Delay > EHX Cathedral Reverb > Stereo Memory Man with Hazari Digital Delay/Looper > Vox AC50 Combo

    in reply to: stereo memoryman with hazarai improvements #108699
    ..but you can put a buffer when turning the knob so that it doesnt do is probably a digital option

    Do you mean you can put buffers on the dd-7, dl4, & dl-8 so they don’t do that? Do you think you would be able to remove the buffer from the SMMH so it would do that?

    in reply to: stereo memoryman with hazarai improvements #108696
    smmh is digital, “when you turned the delay time knob it would make swooshing noises like the boss dd-7, line6 dl4, etc” i think thats only an analog thing

    yeah that’s what EHX told me when I emailed them, but the Boss DD-7, DL4 and Hardwire DL-8 are also all digital and make those noises.
    Also, I’ve got a MicroKorg XL and when I turn on the delay effect and use the Tempo knob, it also makes those swooshing noises – there’s not a piece of analog circuit in the XL.

    The SMMH seems to cut the signal when you turn the delay knob. My guess is they thought most people would want silence between the delay times

    in reply to: stereo memoryman with hazarai improvements #108695
    i wish the smmh had 3 improvements; a trails switch, that the preset button could switch off of preset mode (like on the cathedral) and that when you turned the delay time knob it would make swooshing noises like the boss dd-7, line6 dl4, etc.

    hey, does anyone know if it’s normal for when you are recording loopes, for the first loops to get quieter as you add more? its kinda difficult describing it.

    in loop mode the repeats knob works as an attenuator. Keep the repeat knob all the way clockwise and it’ll keep all the overdubs the same level. Keep it all the way counter-clockwise and it’ll completely erase all the previous overdubs.

    in reply to: Stereo Memory Man with Hazarai #108685

    I’ve had my SMMH for a year or so and I love it! I had first bought a Boss DD-7 but it didn’t quite impress me as much as I thought it would have. I later upgraded to the Memory Man. I tried the Ibanez digital delay and the Line 6 DL4 but the Memory Man was the clear winner for me.

    I find that since the pedal won’t self-oscillate I’m able to make an ongoing wash of ambient noise by lowering the blend, turning up the reverb (on echo modes) and filtering the repeats. It really fills up a lot of space. I’ve got it to sound synth-pad like.

    Also love the Abrupt stops to the multi-taps which make for some interesting rhythmic noises. Much like Hunting for Witches by Bloc Party.

    The 1 Sec+Rev mode is great for reverse chord swells or similar effects. And the reverse echo mode sounds great. So much better than the DD-7 reverse mode. The SMMH one is actually useable.

    This pedal seems to beat all the other delay pedal’s loop function by miles. The DD-7 has 40 secs but as soon as you turn it off, it’s gone and most of the other pedals only have 16ish seconds. The SMMH has 30 and any mode can trigger a loop. Again, the filtering and reverse play are great, and being able to slow down or speed up the loop with a knob is really cool.

    The last thing I absolutely love about this pedal is all the ‘hidden’ features. Like turning the blend all the way up and the delay time all the way down on the mod mode will give you an interesting flanger sound. Or the ability to record a 60 second loop by recording 30 seconds of blank time then slowing it down to half-time.

    There are only 3 things I really wish the SMMH had, that most of it’s direct competition does, and does well:
    -A trails switch
    -Have the preset button switch on/switch off of the preset, like the Cathedral does
    -Make the swooshing noises the DD-7, DL4, etc. does when you turn the delay time.

    in reply to: stereo memoryman with hazarai improvements #108684

    i wish the smmh had 3 improvements; a trails switch, that the preset button could switch off of preset mode (like on the cathedral) and that when you turned the delay time knob it would make swooshing noises like the boss dd-7, line6 dl4, etc.

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