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  • in reply to: Luther from Gearmanndude #91073
    in reply to: OT: IPOD Question #91070

    So far, it works. I have about 30 albums on the Ipod. One is Begger’s Banquet. I deleted it from my Itunes library. After disconnecting my Ipod and reconnecting it and putting more music on. Begger’s Banquet is still on the Ipod. Saves me a trip to Best Buy.

    Thanks to everyone who posted!!!


    in reply to: OT: IPOD Question #91062

    Someone, from HC, just posted saying, if in manual mode(sync wise), it doesn’t do this. Gonna give this a try. If not, I might look into how the Zune handles this. Both were the same price. Bought it last night at Best Buy, so exchanging them shouldn’t be a problem. I just finally fell victim to Apple. Oh… Dark Days Ahead.

    in reply to: OT: IPOD Question #91058

    The question from my 1st post. Will a Zune do this?

    in reply to: Big Muff w/EQ fuzzzzzzzz #91051

    Cool pedal combo, you got there!

    in reply to: Big Muff w/ Tone Wicker #91050
    My only complaint is that after I shoved it in a duffle bag to take to a gig, it emerged with some scratches on the stickers and a green spot where it collided with my ts9. The actual pedal casing seems durable enough, though.

    Now, it is YOUR BMw/TW. Just gives it a little character, not that it needs it.

    in reply to: Question About Die Cast Graphic Fuzz #91049

    I have one and yes, you can run it off of a one-spot.

    At first, I didn’t like the envelope control. After messing with it some more, its growing on me.

    I have to admit though. I’ve been using it more as an EQ, than Fuzz + EQ. It is a lot quieter than my GE-7.

    in reply to: small clone #91028

    I like, the look, of the hand-painted ones. However, I would never buy one new. I just don’t care for the owner. Granted, I’ve never met him. I have has a couple email replies, from him, and he was helpful. I’ve seen interviews and posts, from him, and based on those, I choose not to spend my money with Zvex. It is not about the money either. There is a cheaper company, that I refuse to do business with too. With all that said, I do like my BOR.

    If a used Fuzz Probe came my way? Yes, I would buy it in a heartbeat.

    in reply to: small clone #90893
    I’ve seen the boss fuzz pedal. I never tried it out though because the big muff pi is just going to be better so i never bothered.

    The Big Muff IS better, but don’t limit yourself. I believe that you can make most pedals, sound good.

    in reply to: Russian Muff #90808
    I’m looking to get another muff (it seems as if I’m looking to get a new everything these days, when will I be satisfied?) and my choices are as follows (I play normal 6 string guitar by the way):

    Russian Big Muff
    Double Muff
    Bass Big Muff (I heard that this thing is modeled somewhat after the Green Russian, which I really love the sound of)
    Perhaps a used Green Russian if I can find one for a reasonable price, most seem to go for around $200)

    Any suggestions? I’m thinking either the black USSR or double, just because they’re pretty cheap.

    Also, you bought five pedals in one day?! I wish I had that kind of money.

    The Russian, Bass, and Double Muff are all fairly inexpensive. Since they are inexpensive, I would have no problem ordering them cold.

    Out of those three, I would go with the Double Muff. Setting 1, you have the Muff OD. Setting 2, it goes from Od/Dist –> fuzzy OD/Dist. I think that it is the most versatile one there. The cheapest too.

    The black Sovtek can easily be modded to green Sovtek specs. From what I’ve read, it seems that the black’s components and craftsmen ship are superior to the green’s. So unless, its the aesthetics that you want, go with the black one.

    in reply to: What are you getting for xmas? #90760

    I can’t wait for Christmas!!!

    in reply to: Double Muff? #90326

    Got one!!!


    in reply to: Talk to me… Is the black finger really worth it? #90220

    Save up. I’ve seen them locally for $80 to $135 used. I paid $125, I think thats what I paid anyways. You’ll have the dough in no time.

    in reply to: Double Muff? #90100

    By any chance, did you use it with humbuckers?

    in reply to: Double Muff? #90097

    Hey everyone,

    I just bought Brother_Budro’s Double Muff.

    Who here has one? Anyone care to discuss how they use it? Any interests in it?

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