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  • in reply to: What EHX have you owned? #95989

    in chronological order:

    Holy Stain
    Small Clone
    Deluxe Electric Mistress
    Deluxe Memory Man

    soon to come:
    Tube Zipper
    Graphic Fuzz
    Small Stone (possibly)
    Holy Grail (possibly)


    got my DMM & pedal board today. hells yes. i will post photos of the pedal board when i can.

    I think the DS1 from Boss is a great first pedal buy, very versatile and cheap distortion.

    I dont mean to be a douche…but I think the DS1 is quite possibly the worst distortion pedal I have ever heard.

    in reply to: Post your Pedalboard #95898

    I FINALLY ordered a pedal board this past weekend (thank you Fender&EHX;for the rondo referal)…I am super stoked to finally have this mess of pedals under control!

    After I get it and organize everything I will post pics.

    I think the order is this: Ernie Ball Volume Jr (with Tuner out to BOSS TU-2) > Blackstone Overdrive > Crybaby 535 > POG > Deluxe Electric Mistress > Small Clone > Deluxe Memory Man > Holy Stain (with expression pedal) > Line6 Echopark….i may switch the DMM & HS depending on how they sound in that order…we will see.

    Eventually will add a Tube Zipper and Graphic Fuzz (mainly for the EQ and the envelope)…also probably a DD-20 and then put the echo park up front somewhere just for more interesting sounds…

    Man oh man I am excited to NOT tear all this crap down into individual pedals…just close the case, lock it up & head out!


    1. POG (new addition…i am in love)
    2. Deluxe Electric Mistress (again, newer and I am still exploring the sonic possibilities)
    3. Small Clone (old standby)
    4. Holy Stain (use it mainly for the lovely reverbs…I use it with the expression pedal as well)

    on the way: Deluxe Memory Man…I have a feeling it will be number 1 once I get it.

    in reply to: Ordered my POG!!! #95719

    GOT MY POG TODAY!!! woot woot.

    Also got my Tshirts!!

    I will try to post pics of my POG & matching tshirt soon.

    I am very excited to add an organ to my guitar lineup!

    in reply to: Countdown to the new Deluxe Memory Man #95718

    Well I ordered my Deluxe Memory Man yesterday. It was next on my list to get, didn’t plan on getting it this soon, but you know I am a lover of the big boxes, and I just had to get it before the XO thing came out.

    Thank god. I am very excited about coming one step closer to my finished pedal board!

    in reply to: Do most EHX users also use Fenders? #95687

    not me! nothing against a fender…i do want a tele & a mustang. i play a sheraton…i loooove that semihollow sound…i really want a casino next…but my sheraton is my baby.

    in reply to: Countdown to the new Deluxe Memory Man #95620

    sad sad day… 😥

    in reply to: Can someone help ID this Small Stone for me??? #95619

    k i found the model. its the newest one they made, not a vintage old one….so the question is? do they sound better or as good as or worse than (gernerally speaking) than their US counterparts?

    basically the same? what does that mean? equivalent parts that are russian isntead of us? or slightly different circuit?

    do you like the sound of the russians?

    in reply to: So will everything be reissued ala XO now? #95595
    I’ll be posting a bit of news soon

    And, welcome to the EHX forums, Snufkin!


    in reply to: So will everything be reissued ala XO now? #95572
    Ever try carrying an 8 foot long 2 feet deep board to a gig?


    I have a Rondo Gigantic board that I’ve carried to gigs:

    Not quite 8′ long, but it’s like carrying a heavy keyboard around. Possible with one person, but safer with two.

    i am in love with your pedal board(s). i hope to one day be as great as you with my effects arsenal.

    in reply to: So will everything be reissued ala XO now? #95552

    I sure hope not, but that seems to be the way things are going.

    I know it is all about the future, and better real estate and blah blah blah.

    But what about TRADITION!?! I love those big boxes. I think they look amazing, they are easier to mod, and I know they are supposed to be exact replicas in the XO & nano enclosures, but really, those smaller parts DO have an effect on the sound (no matter how slight). And I HATE the excuse of “I can fit more pedals on my board.” I mean really, I think people who are obsessive enough about ehx to post on this board are pretty handy and crafty people…BUILD A BIGGER BOARD. Thats what I am about to do. I currently have no board, but I need one, but I also know I love the big pedals and I am going to have a LOT of pedals (I am at 9 right now I think?), so I know I need a larger board, or 2 smaller ones side by side.

    PLEEEEASE dont XO & nano everything…

    Until then, I am on an EHX buying spree (trying to get as much stuff in the big boxes that I have wanted while I still can).

    AHA! Maybe thats the key…get the lovers of all things new buying up all the smaller enclosures due to the excitement of more pedal board space AND get the old school lovers buying up all the old things all at one time!!! EHX you are a marketing genius.

    But yes, I prefer the larger enclosures.

    in reply to: Help me decide which pedal I get next!!!! #95548

    I would def be ok with both!! I did pick up a deluxe electric mistress yesterday for $75 on Craigslist!! WOOT. Freaking LOVE this pedal. I’m still playing, but last nite at band practice, i totally got some weird Pink Floyd type psychadelic sounds.

    Yeah I don’t mind having a ton of pedals…especially the big box ones. I prefer them actually. All this “the diecast boxes are better for pedal boards” is just hogwash for me. BUILD A BIGGER BOARD!!

    But that’s for another forum topic i guess…

    in reply to: Help me decide which pedal I get next!!!! #95512

    yeah i was thinking about that too…i did use a ring mod in another one of my songs…

    hate to admit it…but i was thinking about holding out for a moog ring mod..eep…!

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