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  • in reply to: The Pulsar #114672
    given their scarcity, probably no more than a few hundred. I don’t have a production unit but I do have the prototype.

    I wonder why they made so few of them…. It’s not like they had other tremolo models or anything is it?

    in reply to: 22 Caliber #114656

    I really want to get (2) 22 caliber amps to have each one power a 1×12… the goal is to utilize the stereo sounds of my memory man and cathedral reverb.

    my drummer bangs pretty loud, as we get a bit heavy at times, but i still want access to a decent clean tone. i know it is stretching it with only one 22 caliber, but should 2 of them do the job?

    I used to run 2x 30w 1×12 solid state combos in stereo and I could keep them clean in a band situation, there wasn’t masses of headroom left though… so going on that I’d say yes, but ‘just’ probably.

    in reply to: replacing english muff’n tubes #114621
    Regarding “use gloves/socks/paper/etc.” when handling tubes, I’m pretty darned sure that’s a myth; by the time the tube gets hot enough for foreign substances to matter, all the volatiles in your fingerprint will have long since evaporated.

    I mean, think about it… they put colored paint on the tubes, don’t they?

    I realize that’s not popular wisdom, but “popular” and “wisdom” never went well together anyway… ;-)

    I agree….

    …I’ve never bothered and I’ve never had a valve crack or blow up or whatever because of it. If you are worried I’m sure just washing your hands before would suffice.

    in reply to: Please make more analog less digital #114605

    I take your point, but my question is…. like what?

    they already make …what, 4 analogue delays, 3 analogue chorus, analogue tremolo, loads of analogue dirt pedals, flanger, several phasers, several compressors, many analogue filters, octave multiplexer, micro synth…

    I’m sure if someone came up with a truly new and exciting analogue effect EHX would have no problems bringing it out… but I struggle to see what’s left in that area.

    What do you want more of? another pedal with ‘muff’ on the front, memory cousin, deluxe small clone, super soul preacher?

    I find that equally as sad, EHX should be about innovation and should be bringing out digital stuff like the Hazarai, Pog, freeze etc. There’s still more analogue effects in the line up than there ever was before and a lot of those are recent additions.

    in reply to: 12AX7 valves in the English Muffin’ #114592

    ….also some pre-amp valves don’t appear to glow very bright even in an amp… the new Tung-sol’s are like this because the filaments are almost completely encased in the plate structure, so they don’t appear to light up like some others do. I wouldn’t worry about it if it all sounds well…. it’s probably just the design of the valve.

    in reply to: Britney Spears’ Toxic using Octave-Multiplexer #114539
    Hehe thanks a lot :)

    subscribed too…. there’s some great guitar playing and excellent use of effects there.

    Looking forward to hearing what’s next.


    in reply to: Britney Spears’ Toxic using Octave-Multiplexer #114537

    Loved the Benny Hill music more though!!!!! ;)

    in reply to: Britney Spears’ Toxic using Octave-Multiplexer #114536

    cool, thanks for posting…. :)

    in reply to: Caliber and Magnum Impedance #114485

    it’s also worth remembering that when you double the wattage of an amp you don’t double the volume, you get 3db more volume, so the difference between 22w and 44w isn’t as massive as you might imagine. You would be more likely to notice more/less headroom then more/less actual volume.

    in reply to: Post your Pedalboard #114442

    I see them fine. :)

    in reply to: HOG vs. POG 2/MicroPog/POG #114415
    You might be right. Btw, your demo vids are pretty good, thank you for sharing these – quite helpful!
    As I don’t own any of these pedals yet, it kinda hard for me to work out what exactly the ‘gliss’ stands for…Is there a difference between the freeze/gliss mode on the Hog and the Freeze pedal? Thanks!

    ‘Gliss’ is short for ‘Glissando’

    it’s a musical term…. and no, the freeze pedal can’t do it.

    in reply to: Cathedral Reverb delay problem with stereo outputs #114414

    It doesn’t mean ‘an empty plug’

    as you just said there ‘whatever goes into the Right Input will go out the Right Output’ so if you have no signal going in you will have no signal coming out!

    So, if you are using both inputs what goes in each input will come out of the respective outputs, if you are using the mono input it will ping pong between the two outputs.

    in reply to: Big Muff Pot question #114390

    every muff I’ve ever seen uses 100k pots for every control. I have no idea why yours had a 500k in it.

    in reply to: DELUXE MEMORY BOY #114258
    I have one major issue.

    if you set it to a long delay, or lots of feedback, and you switch the pedal off while it’s repeating, it stops dead. okay, nothing unexpected there. but if you turn the pedal back on, IT’S STILL REPEATING!

    that doesn’t seem very functional to me. especially if you botch the part you’re playing, and it repeats an awful atonal note or slur for a really long time…there is no way to KILL the repeats, and then quickly turn the pedal back on to try again – because when you turn it back on, it’s still going. you just have to wait for it to dwindle down to nothing.

    maybe mine is just messed up…but that seems like a real anti-feature

    when you bypass it the circuit is still doing what it was doing before (ie in the same state electronically) it’s just the circuit is not in your signal path. This seems logical and expected to me…. The only way to stop it would be to kill the power to the circuit with a switch as the delay is self oscillating ….. or turn the feedback down.


    Plug it in and find out.

    ….. powering it up without a speaker could damage it, but hopefully you got away with it if it was only for 30 seconds.

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