How about double Super?
Superego+ PLUS Super Pulsar.
The Hold function in conjunction with trem can be spectacular.
Nice one EHX!
Now, Superego+ plus the 8 Step? What will happen?
OK. So I hooked up the 8 step to the GP10 with the cable only partially in. It worked but the 8 step generated a trem effect whereas an EV5 creates a wah effect. Very weird.
Same patch. Patch 88. Set for wah on Exp2 input.
Maybe Boss has got some explaining to do.
Thanks. I’ll try that.
Cool. Thanks.
Thanks for the reply.
There’s an opportunity for a future enhancement though. I’m sure players would welcome the chance to construct longer sequences.
Could these be chained together? And get 16, 24 or 32 steps all in sync?
“With midi sync, this gadget and others like it has the potential to bridge the gap between techno musicians and guitarists. Saving up now!” is really my opinion too!…
Thank you vanbeldt + 1
When I saw the 8 step come up in news from NAMM I thought Christmas had come round again. Can’t wait to see some more videos showing the potential of this unit.
Great stuff EHX.