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  • in reply to: XO POG! #88795
    Max Roberts
    I don’t think this will happen as there is already the micro pog, besides the original pog looks cool in its big aluminum box.

    There’s 3 different metal muffs all in die cast enclosures, I don’t see why it isn’t possible…

    Eventually I think they will make all current large pedals into XO/Die cast enclosure.

    Max Roberts
    ^ what about making a Lazy Sprocket from BYOC? they’re boss slow gear clones iirc. i agree that’d be awesome as an EHX pedal though.

    I think there’s something different about them, like an old chip that was used in the Slow Gear that isn’t available anymore. I could be completely wrong though.
    Many bassists have said it isn’t great on bass too (I play bass).

    Max Roberts
    I reeeaally want an XO POG (not micro).

    I just had a though too (don’t know if this has been mentioned already). Well, I recently got a slow gear and love the effect but it’s quite a lot of money to be sitting on my board.

    Is there any possibility that you can extract the Attack Delay from the Micro synth circuits and make it into a nano pedal?! That would be amazing!

    Hi, do you have a SMM w/Hazarai? that can do a really cool ‘slow gear’ effect.

    I was thinking about getting one. It’ll be way off in the future though. I would love to have it in a single pedal though you see. I might just keep my Slow Gear, I just know I’ll get tempted to sell it at some point though :p.

    Max Roberts

    I reeeaally want an XO POG (not micro).

    I just had a though too (don’t know if this has been mentioned already). Well, I recently got a slow gear and love the effect but it’s quite a lot of money to be sitting on my board.

    Is there any possibility that you can extract the Attack Delay from the Micro synth circuits and make it into a nano pedal?! That would be amazing!

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