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  • in reply to: RIDDLE: Q-BALLS for guitar REVIEW #99769
    What I’m looking for in the Riddle is stuff like this:

    2:00 to 2:30, 4:50 to the end.

    I’m mainly talking about those smooth resonant filter swells. That’s what I don’t like about a lot envelopes- the attack is very very quick and not super smooth, and the decay can vary but usually kind of gurgles (which can be cool.)

    With the attack and decay I’m hoping to hear that in the Riddle.

    Haha I like the gurgle ;) But yeah by tuning the attack and decay you can smooth it out greatly :)
    What do you mean by 2:00 ? Start, Stop o’clocks?

    in reply to: RIDDLE: Q-BALLS for guitar REVIEW #99767
    in your clips and videos, could you try to get some slow attack microsynth type filter sounds?

    Sure! I think I’ll have to keep it to clips for now. I can’t find the right cables for my camera and refuse to shoot a useless cam-video. ;)

    in reply to: new pedals @ Summer NAMM (all brands :)) #99755
    Ibanez WH-10 wah!! Re-issue?! I must buy this!! Frusciante uses one so i need it!!

    My point exactly, instant extreme need for this!

    I can say this with a clear conscience here, since EHX doesn’t make any wah’s. :poke:

    in reply to: new pedals @ Summer NAMM (all brands :)) #99734


    Ibanez WH-10!! For $99,- !!!

    I am loving that! :D :D :D
    I now need one, badly.

    I just measured it, it fits on my board :D

    in reply to: 22 Caliber Power Amp NEED HELP! #99731

    cntry777, do you actually only play clean or use some kind of dirt in front of it?

    in reply to: Drop Tune Pedal Idea #99726
    All is duly re-read, but I sussed first time. Since our topic is not drop tuning but a “Drop Tune Pedal Idea” I considered the Morpheus really interesting and worthy of further mention since it is the first commercialised pedal to appear on the market as far as I know. At least in this price range. I found the demo on YouTube good enough for me to want to try the pedal out as soon as possible. Then I can hear if the pedal delivers or not.
    This said, the pedal will definitely not be able to deliver the pure sound of a good baritone or open-tuning guitar…

    Yes I understand the relevance of your post to the topic, but you quoted my and melx’s posts .. which where about the pure sound of downtuning. ;)

    It is great that at least someone made a drop-tune pedal, somehow pedal companies first need some obscure company to start it off before trying their own.. I hope EHX does try their hand at this, I think they can make the pedal the way it should be: simple and very effective.

    Is there actually a price known for the Drop-Tune?

    in reply to: Drop Tune Pedal Idea #99722
    What a lot of people forget is that when you tune down for real, your guitar reacts very differently.

    For instance my Ibanez S has a pretty hard rock type of sound normally, but when I drop-D or tune down the wood gives me much more deepness and a warmer bottom end. It’s not the tuning! it’s the resonance of the wood!

    But if you play an hour long set with one downtuned song, yeah a pedal would be the way to go. ;)

    I’ve taken to tuning a half-step down all the time these days (to F#) I like what it does to my tone overall. I don’t know if it’s because the strings are a little looser (I play 11’s) but it really seems to make my guitar come ‘alive’ for some reason.

    So, check out this pedal! OK, it is not an EHX, but if Morpheus can bring one out, then EHX can certainly go one half-step better!!

    Please re-read my post and electro-melx’s …

    We’re saying that tuning down for real brings out very pleasing qualities in the guitar. (it must be said: not in all guitars, my swamp ash strat turns all buzzy on me ;) ) So the pedal is counter-productive in that sense.

    I do think the Morpheus pedal is a good idea.. but there are a few aspects already that I don’t like:
    – Too big! there’s 9 LEDs on it.. it could easily be XO or nano size
    – 3 footswitches are superfluous, even if you were to switch tunings during a song .. how long is the song that you need more than 2 tunings? (original/dropped)
    – It doesn’t look very high-quality to me, but I can’t really judge that since I haven’t held it in my own hands.

    in reply to: Drop Tune Pedal Idea #99721
    What a lot of people forget is that when you tune down for real, your guitar reacts very differently.

    For instance my Ibanez S has a pretty hard rock type of sound normally, but when I drop-D or tune down the wood gives me much more deepness and a warmer bottom end. It’s not the tuning! it’s the resonance of the wood!

    But if you play an hour long set with one downtuned song, yeah a pedal would be the way to go. ;)

    I’ve taken to tuning a half-step down all the time these days (to F#) I like what it does to my tone overall. I don’t know if it’s because the strings are a little looser (I play 11’s) but it really seems to make my guitar come ‘alive’ for some reason.

    Well yes, my Ibanez seems to love the lower tunings, not that it turns instant-metal but just there seems to be more harmonics going on.

    The other part is the feel, the looser strings.. well I like it as long as it doesn’t gat flappy and noisy. I play .010-.052 strings. :)

    in reply to: Drop Tune Pedal Idea #99717

    What a lot of people forget is that when you tune down for real, your guitar reacts very differently.

    For instance my Ibanez S has a pretty hard rock type of sound normally, but when I drop-D or tune down the wood gives me much more deepness and a warmer bottom end. It’s not the tuning! it’s the resonance of the wood!

    But if you play an hour long set with one downtuned song, yeah a pedal would be the way to go. ;)

    in reply to: Removing knobs, the SAFE way to do it! #99715
    I’ve never had to take the knobs off my pedals, but if i ever need to, i’ll try the shoelace idea. i would never want to dent my pedals. scratches i’m okay with, but huge dents, definitely not

    I’m okay with scratches .. but when a pedal is new I work hard to keep it scratch-free for as long as possible.. When it than inevitably does get scratched, I feel all empty and sad. :(

    And a week later the pedal scratched into oblivion! :D

    in reply to: Nano Soul Preacher Compressor #99713
    I love my Soul Preacher. Never thought about using a compressor on guitars until I tested out one of these and handed money over on the spot. The thing that I love about this little box of tricks is that it’s quite a creative piece of kit. You can use it as an effect rather than just being a transparent addition to your pedal board. I tested the Boss compressor (can’t remember the model off the top of my head) and it was a good pedal that did the job but for my money lacked soul, which the Preacher delivers. God I love Electro-Harmonix kit. :rawk:

    You just have to love the “transparent effect” myth … people want a pedal to affect their sound, but without affecting their sound!! :facepalm:

    I’ve put the Soul Preacher on the “check it out”-list, I want to use it for bringing the funk! :D
    Plus I need to fill out my strat sometimes. :)

    in reply to: Enigma / Riddle face text eastereggs!! #99712
    I love the way the conversations here get miles off topic .. with the admins joining in haha

    yeah, I like it that way….I think it helps keep the conversations lively and natural.

    The ‘review’ threads make me laugh the most, by the 3rd or 4th post it’s usually drifted away from the review to something else, but I think that’s fine, the actual review is still there in the first post.

    The forum is still less than a year old and we are trying to make the place as fun and informative/helpful as possible without getting too heavy on the moderation, so hopefully people find it a place they want to revisit from time to time.

    as long as discussion doesn’t turn into serious arguements and name calling i’m happy to see people chatting away, even if it does dirft off the subject from time to time.

    There aren’t many hard rules for us admin to follow, most desicions are personal judgements on what is and isn’t acceptable… and providing people aren’t being offensive or abusive we are a pretty relaxed bunch.

    ….it’s nice to hear members saying things like ‘I love the way…..’ it’s nice to know people are happy with the way things are going so far.

    I’m glad that you actually like it as well this way. Yes as long as nothing gets out of hand it’s great, and the relaxed atmosphere actually helps prevent things from getting out of hand. :)

    I have to say this is the nicest forum I’ve been in for a long time. I feel like everyone here are nice guys and that the admins are nicely down-to-earth, without the god complex. :D

    But I think all eastereggs were found? :)

    It seems so, but when I get it (tomorrow!!! :clap: :D :clap: ) I’ll have a real good look at it!
    Although .. it might take me a while to put down my guitar after plugging it in ;)

    BTW: This forums needs more happy smileys!

    in reply to: Enigma / Riddle face text eastereggs!! #99669
    yeah it is a weird place. some of the most obscure stuff pops up in the effects section. even today someone sold a schaller tremolo for i think 25euro. i guess it was that much since that was the only bid there and they’d titled the ad with ‘verkocht!’
    you don’t see that sort of thing coming, sadly.

    anyway, i see you’re trying to jump on that ibanez phase tone ;)
    had my hopes up until i saw you’d placed a bid 😆

    Actually I’m most interested in the Vorg Equalizer in that lot, then my Vorg series is complete ;)

    I love the way the conversations here get miles off topic .. with the admins joining in haha

    Other forums would have admin nazism going on right now, telling people off and removing posts. :nono:
    Please keep it this way, discussions will find their own way back on track! :)

    To get onto .. well .. your topic ;) I spend a lot of time lurking around on marktplaats. The funny thing is, one time there will be completely nothing of interest .. and a few days later it’s completely full of vintage gear and weird stuff. It’s great! :) I also like the kind of rules-less of it, it’s more of an ads website than a bidding website with millions of rules and bs like feedback like evilBay. :)

    in reply to: 22 Caliber Power Amp NEED HELP! #99650
    Thanks mojo, yeah exactly …. you can run pedals into the amp, but if you run the amp into a pedal it will probably kill it as the output is designed to be run into a speaker (using a speaker cable) treat it as you would any other amplifier.

    NP, I think the manual is clear enough about it .. but yeah.

    in reply to: 22 Caliber Power Amp NEED HELP! #99647
    I just bought this power amp and the manual says do not plug it into any pedals, however the video demo shows it plugged into a Big Muff. So, can you plug other pedals to it or what?

    You can plug the output of another pedal into the INPUT of the 22 Caliber.

    DO NOT plug pedals into the OUPUT, where the cabinet should go!

    That’s what they mean by that. In the video, the Big Muff is run before the 22 Cal.

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