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  • in reply to: Blink-182 is Back!!!! #99907

    This is great, I love the fact they are back.

    You can say you hate their music, but they do have a different sound. I love Blink, I even listen to the old stuff sometimes, just because it’s so unbelievably bad. :D

    Also Blink has some extra value for me, I met my girlfriend because I turned on First Date.
    There was a fashion show to be held at our school, she was organising and dancing. I was in the technical club taking care of the lights and sound. ;) Someone was constantly playing trance and 50-cent type crap .. at one point I had had it, threw his mp3 player out of the window, hooked mine up and blasted First Date. :D She came up to me “pfew.. finally some good music!” .. and sparks flew ;)

    It sounds like a bad movie I know. ;) But yeah, I was heartbroken when they split, and now I can’t wait.

    People are going to whine, because the album is going to sound different, as people whine over every album by a band they love. People don’t get the fact that a band is just a group of humans, and people’s interests change over the years .. so does the music you play and write.

    in reply to: new pedals @ Summer NAMM (all brands :)) #99873
    Anyone know when the Ibanez wh10v2 wah will be available in stores?

    I believe I read august somewhere, but I’m not sure..

    in reply to: RIDDLE: Q-BALLS for guitar REVIEW #99859
    hot humid rainy

    That’s one hell of a coincidence! Same here ;)

    I’m sorry I forgot to record :( and now I can’t because I don’t want to wake the entire town. ;)
    So asap. then ok!

    thanks for your demos, others are welcome!

    You’re very welcome! Better ones are coming! :D
    I like recording, I haven’t got jack schnitzel to do here in this hole of a town.

    in reply to: RIDDLE: Q-BALLS for guitar REVIEW #99850
    Yeah, I thought that was slow attack, but then realized it was slow decay :thu:

    Another question- on slow attack, if you have the sensitivity set right, can you get a legato effect? (Hit a note to trigger the attack then play other stuff while the attack is still rising or falling without retriggering it)

    Hmm.. sounds interesting, I think you can quite easily actually.. I’ll try that tonight as well ;)
    BTW. that’s in an hour or two ;) since I’m in the Netherlands. :)

    How’s the weather in Pittsburg?

    in reply to: RIDDLE: Q-BALLS for guitar REVIEW #99848
    That’s good. I’ve heard things about some of the Qtron models being a little thin sounding.

    Clip number 3 you please do slow attack downsweeps (you can change direction I think by putting the stop lower than than the start) in LPF mode with the Q cranked. Pretty please with sugar on top!


    Yeah, this isn’t thin sounding at all, unless you set it in the higher freq’s of course..

    Hahaha, that’ll be 20 bucks!
    .. nah, I’ll see to it tonight sir! ;)

    The last clip was a downsweep btw. But because the sensitivity was so high, it went to stop very fast and then sweeped back (that’s the thump every time ;) )

    in reply to: RIDDLE: Q-BALLS for guitar REVIEW #99846
    your demos don’t sound bad at all. Sure there are some peaks here and there, but I know it’s not the pedal, so it’s all good.

    Thanks! Very kind of you. :) But it’s not even close to the sound of this wonderfull pedal with my favorite guitar through a 100 watt tube amp. ;)

    The sound of the pedal shines through though so that’s good. :)

    in reply to: RIDDLE: Q-BALLS for guitar REVIEW #99831
    how’s the expression pedal function on it?
    you can use it as a wah, right?

    I don’t have an expression pedal atm. My parts are coming in next week to convert an old wah enclosure to one. ;)

    I just found this sound, I just had to record it!! :D

    EHX Riddle demo 2 – Click!!

    It’s the following settings:
    Blend: 12
    Mode: Bandpass
    Attack: fully CCW
    Decay: 10-12
    Start: 4
    Stop: 10
    Q: 1
    Sens: 3

    With some help from a Boss DD-20, 400ms modulated delay :)

    The high sensitivity slaps it immediatly to the stop frequency, and the slow decay than bring it sloowly down again. It’s a great sound. :D

    EDIT: btw I kept the blend at 12 to let you hear what I played. I’d set that higher if I actually used it.

    in reply to: RIDDLE: Q-BALLS for guitar REVIEW #99829
    it sounds so wobbly :)

    Yes :D But as I said you *can* smooth it out, personally I love it this way :)

    in reply to: RIDDLE: Q-BALLS for guitar REVIEW #99826
    Thanks for the clip!

    On the slow attack settings it sounds like there is a short delay before the attack sweep starts. Am I just hearing things, or is there actually a bit of delay, or is it just sweeping through the inaudible frequencies? I’m thinking it’s the latter because a lot of low pass filters do that

    Also curiously about how the filter starts to sound when the Q is cranked, down sweeps, and distortion for your next clip.

    Yeah that’s the sweeping through the inaudible freq’s, tweaking the start can fix that though (and that makes my point about how great the start and strop knobs are :) ). This was just a fast “oh yeah and that” tweak, if you actually took some time (10 secs ;) ) to also tweak the decay, start, stop and sensitivity, you could get even closer.

    Yeah if I get to it I’ll try that this afternoon, I’ll try to record it, but I foresee some clipping problems ;) The volume spikes are barely there.. but it’s the microphone from a headset, completely useless for dynamics like this.

    When I get my good mic thursday or friday I’ll make up a battleplan for clips. I think I’ll walk through the controls first and than do a batallion of different sounds that can be achieved. :)

    in reply to: RIDDLE: Q-BALLS for guitar REVIEW #99813
    trying to find a working link I found a picture of you and your girlfriend


    My arse!
    Apparently doesn’t like spaces in filenames. :(

    I’m off to bed now, have fun ;)

    I’ll check your reactions in the morning, don’t forgwt: this was a fast one, with a crappy mic.

    Also I didn’t even scratch the surface, I only really showed the different modes and a bit of the attack/decay. :)

    in reply to: RIDDLE: Q-BALLS for guitar REVIEW #99810

    Okay, a demo with crappy mic.
    It clipped at some peaks, sorry for that. :(

    It’s just a fast one, it’s 23:00 here ;) Next thursday I’m recieving my microphone and I’ll make a more structured attempt. Here I just hit record and went with it. ;)

    EHX Riddle demo mp3 Click here!! click if you dare!! (this is gross misuse of the hyperlink code whoohoo) Cliiiiiiiiiiiiiiickyclickerclick!!
    (10mb download, 6 minute mp3 @ 224kbps, 48khz)

    Played on:

    – Custom built ash ’60s strat with vintage hot pickups, Fiesta Red
    – Electro Harmonix Riddle: Q-Balls
    – Laney VC100 clean channel, Sovtek/EHX tubes, pretty much flat eq

    Clean sound (the mic sucks out all the warmth..)

    Startoff settings (in ‘o clocks):
    Blend: 1
    Mode: Bandpass
    Attack: fully CCW
    Decay: 9
    Start: 8
    Stop: 14
    Q: 9
    Sens: 12

    At 0:47:
    High Pass

    At 0:53
    Sens: 14

    At 1:13
    Low Pass

    At 1:55
    Distortion on
    Band Pass

    **Sorry for the clipping**

    At 2:42
    High Pass

    At 3:23
    Low Pass

    From 4:07 – End For julian
    Attack and Decay -> 12
    At first I had the decay a bit too high, I backed that off and then I got pretty close.
    Later I blended more clean in.

    in reply to: RIDDLE: Q-BALLS for guitar REVIEW #99807
    is there anyway you could plug directly into your mic input on your computer? (if you’ve got a 1/8″ cable for your speakers and a 1/8″ to 1/4″ adapter for headphones you should be able to hook it up)

    I can, but it sounds so unbelievably crappy it’s not even funny.
    I’ll record some stuff with the headset if you’re that hellbent on it. ;)

    The Jack Conte vid gives a good impression of the sound btw, but not really of the possibilities.
    There’s a way bigger range than he displays. *of course he made it a song, so that’s to be expected).

    BRB with recordings ;)
    Any idea’s on how I can post them here? The max size for an attachment is 75kb :|

    in reply to: RIDDLE: Q-BALLS for guitar REVIEW #99804
    a comparative with the Q-Tron+ ? Specially about knobs, their functions. thanks a lot.

    Well, it’s pretty obvious really.

    The attack, decay, start and stop are not available on the Q-tron. This gives you way more control over both the envelope reaction and the sweep of the filter.

    Those are additions compared to the Q-tron, the only real difference is the Sensitivity knob instead of the Gain knob and Boost switch. Basically in the Q-tron the sensitivity is set at a certain level and the signal is then boosted by the amount set at the Gain knob to reach that. Often that boosts the overal volume, plus the peaks of the filter that means there are some nasty volume changes sometimes.

    With the Riddle you get a sensitivity knob to adjust that to the gain level of your instrument as it comes in. So basically it’s the other way around. So there’s far less of those peaks unless you want them (by turning the sensitivity up “too far” and the Q).

    The other great addition is the blend knob. Instead of fully wet or 50/50 (at the Mix setting), you can blend in the filter as much or little as you want. As said in my review this makes a lot of sound much more usable in music. :)

    Sorry for my long-winded-ness. I have a tendency to keep going once I begin, but I hope it gives you a clear vision of the pedal! ;)

    Any other questions, fire away!

    in reply to: RIDDLE: Q-BALLS for guitar REVIEW #99793
    Mojo have you used a expression pedal with it yet?

    No, I haven’t got one. :(
    I have an old wah enclosure though, so I’m ordering a new pot for that and a stereo jack and build myself one! ;)

    Once I do I’ll post my experience and a clip or two here. I cant’t wait, because of course I’ve heard the sound and the sweep, and I think it can make an awesome wah! :D

    Lol! :)

    Yes, you beat me :p

    I just bought some other stuff, so I’ll have to wait a little :)

    Whooohooo! Haha, you can come over and try it out if you want. ;)
    Just a few hours driving! :thumb:
    I do hope you get yours soon, it’s an awesome pedal! :)

    holy shit joris congrats!




    more pics


    Haha thank’s Nick, they’re coming up! Yesterday didn’t work out for getting the mic, so I’ll have to check out when I can make clips. Unless you want clips made with a crappy headset mic?? :poke:

    in reply to: RIDDLE: Q-BALLS for guitar REVIEW #99779
    I mean the time in the video.

    I want to hit a chord and have it go bwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaahhhhhhhh and then hit another chord and have it go mwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwahhhhhhhhhhhh

    What video are you talking of exactly? Neither the Riddle’s, Enigma’s or Micro Synthesizer’s goes to 4:50? sorry if I’m missing something..

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