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  • in reply to: 22 Caliber is genuis. Now we need a 50 Caliber. #108812

    they should put it in one of the english muff’n style enclosures..

    six knobs and a a pair of switches…

    – Volume
    – Pre Gain
    – Bass
    – Mid
    – Treble
    – Post Gain

    – on / off
    – Tone bypass
    – Dark / Bright / warm

    id love it like that

    in reply to: EHX attending Musikmesse #108716
    A trade show like NAMM, but in Germany (Frankfurt) and even bigger than NAMM (more European and Asian brands?) :D

    EHX is there every year, I didn’t hear about new gear for this messe yet…

    I’ll be there, anyone else from this forum? :)

    if i can get some time off, then im going to be there aswell

    in reply to: Post your Pedalboard #106951
    There’s one or two floating around on ebay over here, so i’ll keep my eye on them. I’ve tried the Holy Grail Plus which is pretty good but for some reason I just want the Holier Grail more.

    I guess it’s one of those things that you don’t notice when its in production but you rue when they become hard to find. Much like the previously crappy sovtek muffs, everyone under the sun wants one now! I still wish i hadn’t sold mine so cheap (the switches always broke), I could’ve made a killing on ebay.

    xD if they made the holier grail as an XO id be all over that box…

    in reply to: Where are you from? #106914
    I’m fortunate to live near perhaps the best EH distributor in the UK :)

    I’m from Nottingham.

    Hotrox? :thumb:

    exactly :thumb:

    they don’t just do EH though, they do lots of great stuff. they don’t really sell guitars or amps as such but they do perhaps every type of effect imaginable as well as strings, cables and servicing. i pop in nearly every other week at the moment. i’ll probably try out the DMB and Ring Thing next time. Plus it’s not far from Nottingham Forest :)

    yeah, I’ve never actually been to the shop but I’ve bought stuff from them mail order several times, valves, effects, etc. good prices and speedy delivery, I’m always recommending them to people.

    would you guys mind sending me a link to their internet store? i cant find anything on the shop in the internet…

    in reply to: Post your Pedalboard #106913
    thanks :)

    i’m going through a bit of a surf/lo-fi phase at the moment, just no band to play with right now and this covers it all quite nicely (although i’d still like to stick a reverb pedal at the end of it all)

    i know theres a holier grail going for aprox. 140 pounds in a danish forumsite, so if youre from europe. it wouldnt be a bad deal. id like to help you if you want it?


    in reply to: Where are you from? #106892

    im from denmark, Europe…

    in reply to: Post your Pedalboard #106866
    i think it was because we couldnt make him realize that if you split a payment of 200 into 5 people, everyone has to pay 40… ^^


    on the fx loop – what about micro POG? :) or some ring modulator.. .crazy stuff…

    hmm,.. micro synth xD

    in reply to: Post your Pedalboard #106807
    LucasKinch – nice and clean! and i love how your bassplayer is almost facepalming… this is so forum-like…

    anyway, adumo, i’d totally buy phaser over flanger any day :) but whatever suits you, bro

    yeah… our drummer can be somewhat retarded… so, basically we all leave the room with markings in our faces from facepalming… at this picture… i think it was because we couldnt make him realize that if you split a payment of 200 into 5 people, everyone has to pay 40… ^^

    oh, and i usually use the flanger for clean texture… :) but idk if i want to sell the phaser and flanger, they sound amazing… xD but i like ehx artwork… so, its not a big problem, but i’d like the deluxe memoryboy instead of my space echo… im pretty sure…

    any ideas to what i can add to the fx loop of the deluxe memoryboy?

    in reply to: Post your Pedalboard #106799

    Hey everybody… finally a good picture of the board… still in the works though… :)

    well, i dont know if the link thingy works… so im posting it here too


    im thinking about replacing the delay, phaser and flanger with some ehx stuff…

    the oc-2 will be replaced by the micropog. and i will add a riddle, ring thing and worm to it aswell… thought about replacing the flanger with a stereo electric mistress, and the phaser with holy grail nano. since the worm has a phaser… and of course… the delay spot wpuld go to the deluxe memoryboy

    anyhow… enjoy…

    in reply to: Big Muff Pi pickng up radio stations #106460

    dont know how to fix it… but i know whats wrong… one of the components inside your muff has become microphonic. you can learn more about microphoonics here:

    iv had the same issues with a wah pedal… i had it repaired at a store

    in reply to: Effectology Suggestions- #105395

    you should call it:


    as that would be the reply every guitarist will say when they unbox and plug it in…

    in reply to: Pedalboard idea? #105394

    yeah.. thinking about it… it was only to be able to sculpt the tone… but, i dont think ill use them. maybe something like this would be better… the pedals i already own will be marked with an x

    Pog 2
    Devi ever synthmangler x
    Big muff pi w/ wicker
    SPF Green line
    MXR Phase 100 x
    Ibanez fl-9 x
    RE-20 x

    i have some other stuff on the shelf too… which im selling… hmm, maybe a good looping system and stagetuner for livesituations would be a good idea aswell?

    in reply to: Post your Pedalboard #105393
    lucas, i went to page 25 to see your board, but the pic is like deleted or something, because it has one of those white boxes with the red X in it.

    dammit! xD and i dont even have the picture anymore…

    anyhow… im shortening down my board to the “Basic needs”…

    something which wont have to many of the same effects… basically, ill try to make it 2 or 3 dirt pedals… a delay… phaser flanger and trem… maybe a riddle, pog thingy? idk.. just not… insane big board thing

    in reply to: Pedalboard idea? #105165

    yeah… im just trying to figure out wether i want the RT-20 and DD-20… maybe something else would be better

    in reply to: Post your Pedalboard #105164
    lucas kinch, i didnt even bother reading the list of your pedals, we want pictures! and kevin demuth, can you get a dark organ from the pog? ive only seen videos where the organ sounds are bright and happy, but i was thinkin if you took off the +2 it would sound a bit darker

    basically, you oughta be themost lazy person ever xD since there’s only five of them on my board for now… i dont want to post pictures before its completed… :)

    but when it is… youll spray cluegoo all over your panties boy… xD

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