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  • in reply to: Headphone AMP not simulating cabinet? #111616

    Well guys, i have to say thanks to electro-melx for sharing his honest opinion which is actually my perception of the advertisement. Anyway let me be clear i’m not fishing for refund or something neither i want to be picky or flaming, i just want to provide you honest feedback on the product which essential for any company. I enjoy ehx products very much so in a sense i’m disappointed when i see some products that are not pushing to seventh heaven like the others…as i said headphone amp is nice well built and perfect to use but i feel unhappy about being limited to use it on clean signals only.

    Go for a stereo input, simple cabinet emulator headphone amp and you will smash the market of these product category, honestly.

    Have a nice day everybody!

    in reply to: Headphone AMP not simulating cabinet? #111591

    Exactly what i had in mind… a switch to turn on / off some very basic EQing like bad monkey would already be enough to properly hear distortion / overdrives in the pedal chain.. well, let’s see what will be next release of this product, maybe this feature will found its way!

    in reply to: Headphone AMP not simulating cabinet? #111559
    If I’m already playing through a pedal chain, then I’d probably just put an EQ at the end and tailor my own sim.

    It would be interesting to hear the debate on which cabs should be simulated — Fender Deluxe Reverb? Vox AC 30? Marshall 1959-SLP? Orange OR120?

    Well, i guess something too elaborated could exceed the cost target of the device. Normally, a 4×12 cab simulator like many analog DI boxes do is a cheap EQ circuit that does the trick…

    in reply to: Headphone AMP not simulating cabinet? #111578

    Yeah, i also presumed it because as i said it’s a standard in the industry for this category of product to put in some cab-like EQing.. which down to the basics it is not rocket-science or costly, it can be done by limiting the freq into the classic guitar speaker range (not over 7/8 khz) and pushing the mid band 3-5 Khz a little..

    Too bad because i really like the product, it is sturdy, well built and good sounding but it is hardly limited for the purpose of listening to your pedal chain in headphones…

    in reply to: Headphone AMP not simulating cabinet? #111568

    Edited as your nickname. Apologize!

    in reply to: Headphone AMP not simulating cabinet? #111566

    Well, Mr. Matthews of EHX, to cut a long story short, surely you’d be in difficulty to provide the feature suggested by my friend Lizard Jonny here :-) but please if you ever going to perfect the product please remember about putting in it some cab EQing.. thanks!!!!

    in reply to: Headphone AMP not simulating cabinet? #111561

    Anyway i have to admit that your proposal of added feature would certainly boost the sales to the stratosphere… :-)

    in reply to: Headphone AMP not simulating cabinet? #111555

    Yeah, you’re right.

    Anyway i have to say that the clean signal with the HeadPhone AMP just released is very very good,
    clean and dinamic. I like it very much with my American standard strat.

    So i’m going to try a simple setup for good inspiring clean tones, something like:

    Strato > Small clone -> Memory Toy -> holy grail

    I think it would be satisfying sound even with no cab sim..

    What you think?


    in reply to: Headphone AMP not simulating cabinet? #111553

    Yeah, doing research is the golden rule.

    Anyway i do appreciate all your other products and i’m not flaming or anything, just wanted to give some impressions from customer side on what the product should provide in my opinion, and i think other guitarists in this forum are quite experienced on the issues coming from distorted signals amplified in full range.

    Nice day to the Staff, see ya!

    in reply to: Headphone AMP not simulating cabinet? #111542

    Guys.. The product is hot but let me be honest about that..the lack of a cab simulation (at least some selectable EQ) is a MAJOR issue..
    if the target is providing a satisfying guitar sound in headphone you have to cut full range response otherwise distortion sounds awful..

    I’ve spent 50 bucks giving this feature for granted since stuff like this on the market do include some cab EQing.

    At this point i am very disappointed. Please let Mike Matthews know that being the innovator he is
    EHX must redesign this box with some cab switch and also a stereo in so i can practice with cathedral and memory man in their full stereo galore.. That would be also a market primer no one does stereo enabled headphone amps!

    Now i hope you Guys take my review in consideration so i will know i didn’t completely wasted my money..advertising about a great tone amp-like it is a very bad idea in this box without a pièce of some cabinet emulation!

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