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  • in reply to: Post your Pedalboard #120016

    Got this last Thursday for my Birthday.
    Sorry for the delay ;)




    Rock on!

    in reply to: Post your Pedalboard #119924
    I was torn on the East River Drive too but I guess it depends on what you are looking for – watch the demos, especially this one go to the 5:03 mark. I have a Musicman Luke through a Fender Hot Rod Deluxe Nova and it sounds just like this.

    I leave it on for the whole set apart from one acoustic song. It genuinely makes everything better – cleans break up when I want them to (dependent on playing dynamics), crunches have more life and full dirt solos sound amazing!

    Memory Boy is truly amazing – you will love it!
    Get yourself a Soul Food while you are there – they are amazing!!!!

    cant wait to test it :)
    guess a soul food or the eastriver drive… not really sure (maybe a hot tubes nano???)

    hmm… i guess the overdrive will be a hard one to choose.
    as i play through a small squier practice amp i think the next thing to buy will be a new amp.
    the fender ramparte looks nice.
    i think about using a nano switch blade as kind of channel selector. the “cool” channel for cleans and the “hot” channel…


    it just looks ultra cool.
    what do you think?

    in reply to: Post your Pedalboard #119922
    Memory Boy is truly amazing – you will love it!
    Get yourself a Soul Food while you are there – they are amazing!!!!

    cant wait to test it :)
    guess a soul food or the eastriver drive… not really sure (maybe a hot tubes nano???)

    in reply to: Post your Pedalboard #119920




    NPD in 31 days – the empty space is gonna be filled with a memory boy YAY!!!

    Hallo Diego!
    Sehr hilfreich, ja. Zumal ich nicht mit einer Antwort gerechnet hatte, die ich ohne komplett verstehe :-)
    Den Muff Overdrive hatte ich mit auch mal angeschaut (also, auf Youtube…) war mir aber nicht sicher, ob die zerre nicht zu dicht am Little Big Muff liegt…
    Und der LPB2ube ist natñ¼rlich ne Schñ¶nheit. Mal schauen, ist mit auf der Wunschliste.
    Hatte mich ein wenig erschrocken, was an Dreck aus meiner kleinen Gretsch Rñ¶hre rauskommt, wenn der Regler vom Muff fast am linken Anschlag ist…

    in reply to: Post your Pedalboard #118662

    so many nice boards out there.
    i´m just about to start a “collection” (got myself a worm for christmas).
    the plan is a ehx-only board out of a gorm shelf.
    little big muff – nano clone – worm – memory boy – nano holy grail
    in order to avoid building a new board each time i get myself a new pedal:
    pls someone help me and give me the measurements of those boxes???
    thx so much!

    rock on


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