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  • in reply to: The Jimi Hendrix Big Muff #107122

    Since this issue has stirred up so much controversy over the years, Mike has put down in writing everything he can recall about it. Here is his actual story about Jimi and the Big Muff that he recollected around 2007 for a Japanese magazine article.

    “Back in 1969…we plunged into production (on the V1 Big Muff) and I brought the very first units up to Henry, the boss at Manny’s Music Store on 48th Street, NYC. About a week later, I stopped by at Manny’s to buy some cables, and henry yelled out to me “Hey Mike. I sold one of those new Big Muff’s to Jimi Hendrix.”

    Now let me tell you a little history of me and Jimy. Back in the mid 60’s I was a concert promoter. I had the Isley Brother, Coaster, Drifters, Cadillacs, Lovin’ Spoonful, Young Rascals, Byrds, Turtles, Shirelles….and many more acts. I booked Chuck Berry for two nights, and was looking forward to this gig…especially because Chuck traveled alone and the promoter had to get the back up band. I decided to play keyboards, and got some buddies of mine who mostly did Chuck Berry covers to back up Chuck. A week before the gig, that agent who sold me Chuck called me and said “Hey Mike, I need you to do me a favor and book another band…. I can give you one that will play three nights for $600.” I said “Bob I don’t need another band. The crowd is coming to see Chuck Berry and I’d just be spending another $600 for nothing.” Bob said “Please, I need this favor. You can have them for three nights for only $500, and they have a guy that can play guitar with his teeth.” I figured, ok, and booked them, and in the future Bob owed me the next favor. The name of this band was Curtis Knight & the Squires.

    When Chuck played, and me and my guys backed him up. I was a little burnt out after the first set and went to check to see how much money came in so far at the gate. Curtis Knight’s band was now playing and I didn’t pay much attention until my guitarist that backed up Chuck, Steve Knapp, came running up to me and said “Hey Mike, you gotta catch this guitar player. He’s a gas.” Well, that guitar player was Jimmy James. His style at the time was strictly loose R&B. We became best friends and I snuck out of my day gig several times a week, as a computer salesman for IBM, to go to his hotel room where we rapped music talk. Jimmy was quiet dude, and lived in a rundown narrow hotel room with no private toilet. He usually had his hair set with pink hair curlers.

    One night I went to see him play with Curtis at a club in the upper west side called the Lighthouse. Now, Curtis Knight was a real gangster. Mainly a pimp, running a big operation. At that gig Jimmy hung with me at the breaks and told me “Mike I gotta get away from this dude. I wanna form my own band and headline it.” I said “Jimmy, if you’re going to be the front man, then you have to sing.” Jimmy said “Yeah, that’s the problem. I can’t sing.” I said “If you really wanna sing, all you gotta do is practice and you’ll be cool. Look at Mick Jagger and Bob Dylan. they can’t sing but they can phrase their asses off and project dynamite soul.” Jimmy said “Yeah, you got a good point. I’ll work on it.”

    Soon Jimmy formed his own band, the Blue Flames. I went to catch them at the café Au Go Go in Greenwich Village. Sitting with me was my friend Bobby Colomby, who later on was a co-founder and drummer with Blood Sweat & Tears. He invited Eric Clapton to sit with us. Jimmy and The Blue Flames were dynamite…still playing a loose blues style. At the break we all went across the street for some grub. The only thing Clapton kept saying again and again and again was “I just can’t believe how good this guy is. I just can’t believe it.”

    Shortly after, I heard Jimmy ran off to England with the manager of the Animals, who dug him. The rest is history, and it was in England that Jimmy became Jimi Hendrix and quickly developed his super unique electric space style. I was fortunate enough to see The Experience when they first came to New York City. Jimi called me up and said “Hey Mike come on down, I’m playing at xxxx ( I forgot the name of this small club ). Dynamite!

    Whenever Jimi went into a recoding studio in New York Ciy, he invited me to hang out. I did this at three different studios, with the last one being Electric Ladyland, the one he funded and owned. Long story…Well here’s the rub. When Jimi invited me to hang at studio # 2, ( I forgot the name ) I went down to show him a new device I was working on. It was a 4 inch ceramic cased speaker that I screwed into the body of a guitar. It had small power amp. So, some portion of the guitar signal was bled into this little power amp and into the screwed in speaker which made the guitar vibrate and easy to get instant hot sustain. I took it to ask Jimi what he thought of it. When I walked into the studio, there on the floor, plugged into his guitar and amp, was the Big Muff. I told Jimi I made these and he said he just bought it at Manny’s and I said yeah, Henry told me. I then showed Jimi the guitar with the screwed in speaker with feedback circuit. He tried it and said “Hey Mike, I think you’ve got something here.” (Note – Mike has said at other times that he thought this was an early version of the distortion-free sustainer he showed to Jimi)

    Now WHY did I tell you this whole story? Well, some time in the late 70s, a guitar magazine writer that interviewed me asked me “When did Electro-Harmonix come out with the Big Muff?” Not thinking too much about this I blurted out around 1971. Well, it was really 1969. Over the years, Hendrix purists took this 1971 and said, Jimi couldn’t have used the Big Muff because he was gone by this time. Well, I wanted you to know the real facts.”

    in reply to: The Jimi Hendrix Big Muff #107078

    Thought I would post an update here. Just got the definitive word that the V1 went into production in 1969. Plus a lot more info about Mike Matthews and Jimi, from the words of the man, Mike himself. So much new info that I will be making some major updates to the site.

    in reply to: Another Big Muff hits mojo status! #107077

    There are still deals to be had on op-amps out there, especially the Deluxe Big Muff. I just found one for $138. Just ignore the guys who are selling for the inflated prices. Same with the Black Russians that are now “discontinued collectors items”. Lots of them still going for reasonable prices.

    in reply to: To Deluxe or not to Deluxe? #107076

    Three completely different Muffs. The Deluxe Big Muff is almost the same circuit as the V4/V5 op-amp Big Muff, only with the Soul Preacher compressor added. It is a cool sounding unit, but very different from the Sovtek and the LBM tone. If you go for one, try and find the series/parallel switch version rather than the blend switch version. It is the better of the two IMO.

    in reply to: Which version of the vintage Big Muff do I have? #107003
    Thanks for the reply however how can I repair the one I own? I’d like to get rid of the other one’s I have but not until I get this one fixed.

    Not the best fix, but you can solder across the broken traces on the board so they connect. Past that, you could get the schematic online, some perf circuit board, wire, and put everything on a new board. That’s a lot of work if you have never done this before though.

    in reply to: Which version of the vintage Big Muff do I have? #106988

    That’s one of the rare times I have seen a brown board op-amp Muff. There is lots of info on them and pix here. You should be able to see where the wires were originally connected from these or the pix above.

    in reply to: “Tone Bypass” V3 Big Muff? #106795

    When I get my hands on one I’ll let you know. Still trying to get one of these guys to let me have one. I just got a V7 Sovtek green with that odd T shaped board, by the way. I’ll snap some decent pix of the components.

    in reply to: Help getting high solo tones with Big Muff #106794

    Volume helps a lot, but you need a really clean tube amp for Gilmour tones – as in one with lots of head room and no breakup. Vintage style single coil pups sound better for this than humbuckers too. The Seymour Duncan SSL-5 or Dimarzio FS-1 are two really good, hot sounding pickups. I find a good compressor before the Muff really cleans up the mud too. Gives the USA Muff more clarity. A Dynacomp or old Boss CS-2.

    The magic tone spot for Gilmour on a USA Muff is around 10:30, with sustain around 75%. The USA Muff is not the best for Gilmour though. The LBM gets closer, but a vintage V2 Ram’s Head, V3 or a V7 “Civil War” or green Sovtek sounds better IMO.

    Here is some info about getting Gilmour tones.

    in reply to: “Tone Bypass” V3 Big Muff? #106753
    got one of these myself, but the 3003 board is a newer version. pot codes are dated ’79. 3003 appears on the board, but not written in solder like early versions, instead it is embedded in the board like each of the circiut runs. knobs are not the flat top variety. original white box calls it a model 3003. i conclude it’s a ’79 model, but original owner said it was from ’77-’78. i’m confused…

    What you are describing sounds like a V6, not a V3. Does it have the small circuit board like the ones pictured here?

    If so, that’s not what I am referring to. The V3 tone bypass circuit looks like the ones I posted earlier in this thread, which are practically identical to the V3. Also, FYI, if those are the original pots, 1979 just means it was not made any earlier than that, but it could have been made a year or more later. I have a V6 with ’79 pots.

    in reply to: Big Muff #106578

    It’s a fine line using a booster. Too much gain from the boost pedal and the Muff lows will crap out. You just want a bit to get it into overdrive territory. You can put it before the Muff or after. Before is smoother, after is a bit harsher. You can also try using the boost pedal as the driver, with high gain, and the Muff after it with low gain, so the Muff is the boost pedal.

    If you are using a Tubescreamer type circuit you won’t get the best results though. You would get closer with a USA Muff, but I don’t think you will get that sound. John could have used any number of his effects combos. The guy has every fuzz pedal known to man!

    in reply to: Big Muff #106573

    Sovteks typically don’t have as much gain as the USA Muffs, but neither will have that sound right out of the box. If you have an amp that breaks up good at high volumes you may get close. Muffs like to be driven hard by loud tube amps, but to get that overdriven tone you hear in that solo you need to drive the Muff with a booster. Just about any decent overdrive pedal will boost the Muff into that territory, but stay away from bright ones like the Tube Screamer.

    I’m not sure John is using a Muff on that song. Sounds more like a fuzz.

    in reply to: What version of Muff would this be? #106566
    THe guy claims he bought around 1977 or 1978, it has the old pointer style knobs, says AC Tone By-Pass on the top, and the circuit board and box both say EH-3003.

    Would it be a V5 Op-Amp?

    Any help would be appreciated.

    The purchase date and those knobs and graphics would likely make it an op-amp V5, but I have also found V6 transistor versions with those knobs. It may even possibly a V3 with a tone bypass, as I have seen few examples of those bought around the same time. As Ron says, we would have to see the circuit board to know for sure.

    in reply to: Deluxe Big Muff Power Switch #106546

    Thanks Ron.

    The plastic slide switch is missing from it. It’s an old rusted Deluxe I’m fixing up. The metal stud sticks out of the switch so I can still move that to get the power to come on, but that’s kind of dangerous since you can get a hell of a shock from it.

    I’ll PM you.

    in reply to: Post Your Big Muff(s) #106507

    Sweet. My first V2 Muff has the 2N5087 tranys as well.

    in reply to: NPD – SOVTEK #106408

    I always though it looked more like a hippie elf, but Hippie Elf Big Muff just does not have that great a ring to it.

    Like it or not, Ram’s Head seems to have become the most common nick name for the V2.

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